Visual art analysis
Visual art analysis is concerned with an objective evaluation of an artwork's formal elements such as visual attributes like color, line, texture and size (Van-Leeuwen and Jewitt 4). The aspects of the art's historical context, the artist's intended meaning and an objective critique of the art also make up a visual analysis. The paper aims at performing a visual analysis of a recent artwork by Carol Brown Goldberg exhibited from 3rd October 2018 in the. From her many artworks, Goldberg has successfully managed to evoke a wide range of emotions by her bold use of color, texture and form. The criticism on Goldberg's work of art is performed by use of Mittler-Feldman Criticism Process which is basically made up of the description of the artwork, an analysis, interpretation and finally the judgment on the artwork.
The artwork and the artist
Carol Brown Goldberg was born in Baltimore. Her interest in science, quantum physics and neuroscience has done a great deal in shaping her inspirations in the arts field. The peculiar combination of interest has granted her endless opportunities in outstanding fields such as John Hopkins Lyme Disease research center, Philip's collection in Washington DC and the Contemporary Art Accession Committee of the Baltimore republic museum (Brown et al. 160).
Together with other neuro-scientists, Carol Brown Goldberg has engaged on in-depth discussions on the issue of creativity and the brain which generally sparked a number of events that explain her presence into the world of arts and its relationship with science (Brown and Daya 158). The piece of artwork exhibited from the analysis of the art can be regarded as the 'mirror universe' as it creates diverse impressions on its first sight. The mirror universe maps the idea of the mirror neurons in the brain that allows humans to experience compassion in a piece of artwork. The artwork has rectangular spaces at the center whose possible meanings needs to be explored.
Mittler-Feldman Criticism Process
Feldman criticism process is most preferred because it adopts a procedure that changes from an objective approach to a more subjective approach. The process is equally exploratory thus able to capture a wide spectrum of information concerning the artwork.
The artwork is rectangular and presents such boldness in the color use. Inside the rectangular space of the artwork is made up of other small rectangles. The center of the rectangle is composed of other smaller rectangles. The color distribution in the rectangle is a shade of frame-like pink on the inside and green towards the ages of the artwork. The artwork is a painting with an acrylic on canvas with pulverized glass. The form employed by the artist is that whereby the inside of the rectangle is more shaded and darker but as you move towards the edges, it gets lighter thus creating a contrast of color use between the inner and the outer part of the art.
The rectangular shapes making up the artwork are arranged in such a way that symmetrical balance would be created as the shapes are evenly distributed in the artwork. Additionally, the rectangular shapes making up the art are repeated creating a sense of emphasis. The two major colors are equally emphasized with the lightness of the colors used increasing from the inner part of the art towards the outer. Color deviations equally achieve movement on the art. The star shaped structures that are distributed on the art, along with the edges of the third triangle also achieves movement and captures the viewer's attention. It is definitely the one point my eyes would stop and pay attention to as I transverse across the artwork.
The use of rectangles in this artwork invokes a sense of conformity and stability as equally enhanced by the symmetrical balance denoted by how the rectangles are arranged in the artwork. The deviation of colors from the inside of the art towards the outer part could denote the meaning of from unknown to known. Such that, the inner parts which are slightly darker as compared to the outer part indicate a state of not knowing but as more brighter colors are added towards the age, light is shone and a state of knowing attained. The starry shaped images distributed along the edges of the third rectangle plus the thin black lines now distributed over all the artwork implies forces of nature.
In reference to the 'forces of nature' being bold colors which are a symbol of art, it is possible to note the harmonious interactions of the forces of nature, commonly known as science, with arts. The interaction of these two was formally unexplored and thus unknown, represented by the dark color. However, with much interest now directing towards the interaction of arts and science, we are at a point of knowledge and thus light, thus the meaning of the painting.
The painting is profoundly drawn to capture so much information, development in one canvas paper. The arrangement of colors and the shapes in the art logically sustain the idea behind the painting. The artwork can be classified as an expressionist form. Clearly from the content and the ideas that Carol Goldenberg put across through this artwork, she is an expressionist, finding arts as a means to express the deep significance she can relate between arts and science. My experience at the museum was insightful with so much to learn on the history of the arts I have come across. The history behind the ancient, classical and middle age art was extremely an eye opener on the birth of arts.
Works Cited
Brown, A. L., N. C. Mann, and M. Daya. "Goldberg." R., Meischke, H., Taylor, J., Smith, K., Osganian, S., Cooper, L.: Demographic, belief, and situational factors influencing the decision to utilize emergency medical services among chest pain patients. Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment (REACT) study. In: Circulation 102.2 (2000): 173-8.
Van-Leeuwen, Theo, and Carey Jewitt, eds. The handbook of visual analysis. Sage, 2001.