Use of Talents

Different individuals and their special talents

Different individuals have different talents which can be related to the ability of this individual to work and perform on a specific task. Some of the special activities that people with talents perform include playing of sports, acting, singing, playing instruments and all these are discovered or realized at different stages. Some of these individuals with special gifts and talents have been representing their communities and countries in different areas where they have both earned prestige for themselves and the country. To most people, they feel that these individuals with special talents must represent them and in the best way possible and if they fail, they get angry. The main concern is, is using these talents a duty that these individuals have to perform and do it diligently or is it their call to decide whether to use or not.

The importance of utilizing talents

The issue of whether talented people should use their gifts or not has been discussed in various scholarly materials including the bible and different opinions has been given. Mathew 25: 14-30 gives an illustration of how people should be rewarded when they fail to use their talents and gifts in the best way. From the excerpt, the three servants are rewarded differently by their masters, and it is in accordance with how they utilized the coins they were given. We can note that everyone has been given a gift in accordance with his/her ability and it is a must that we should them in the best way otherwise they will be snatched from us.

Using talents for the right purpose

According to Kant’s excerpt, using our talents is a must, but individuals have to consider their purpose in using them. The authors insist on the issue of goodwill because talents can be used to either bad or good purpose (Sayre-McCord, 2000). Individuals are required to focus on doing well when using their abilities even if their efforts fail to bring about positive results. Charlotte Bronte, on the other hand, condemns her sisters for making their heroines beautiful as a matter of course. She is more into serving others rather than rushing for personal achievements (Easson, 2016). In this regard, the two individuals are in support of the bible that we have a duty to use our gifts, but we should use them for the right course.


 Easson, A. (2016). Elizabeth Gaskell. Routledge.

Sayre-McCord, G. (2000). Kant’s grounding for the metaphysics of morals: A very brief selective summary of sections I and II. UNC/Chapel Hill.

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