Types of Talk Shows

A talk show is a radio or television show

In which various topics get elaborated to inform and educate the listeners (Tolson). It is often hosted by a single individual who focuses on interviews or audience participation. The guests are in most cases highly trained or have a great experience on the issue under discussion. With regards to that, there are many types of talk show programs on the television. They vary depending on the medium and the timing. The three categories are sports talk shows, comedic talk shows, and interview talk show. Each of them focuses on the target audience aiming to suit their preference and taste.

The first category is sports talk shows

They are broadcasted on a regular basis on ESPN, FOX Sports Network, and ten sports respectively. They are comparable to news talk shows except that they are about games. Similar to a regular talk show, sports talks show gets produced by the production unit and consists of the host and the guest of the show. The programs are relatively concise and last for a short duration. The format of the show is made up of discussions related to sporting events from the nation’s favorite teams and athlete. The shows can cover diverse sporting activities such as football, basketball, baseball, and surfing. On the other hand, it can be specific and concentrate on a particular event. The host provides daily updates in addition to interviewing famous athletes. The show is interactive and incorporates the use of social media to gauge the audience viewpoint.

The other category is comedic talk shows

They have been gaining popularity in the recent years. In these funny talk shows, a host provides comedic commentary on present events, celebrity scandals, and other notable issues of discussion. Their structure is around humorous monologues about the day's event, and most of them feature house band that performs cover songs during commercial breaks when compared to sports talk shows that are straightforward and lesser interactive. The primary focus of the show is being both informative and entertaining with laughs taking precedence over the delivery of news (Tolson). Examples of such shows include The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

Interview talk show is the other category

In the program, the host conducts interviews with celebrities and experts on the subjects of their choice. They could be either structured or random depending on the issue under scrutiny. The host is usually behind a desk while the interviewee seats on a couch. In most cases, a celebrity would make an appearance on an interview talk show to discuss an upcoming project or movie release besides other works in progress. On the other hand, academics and other experts appear to get interviewed when their subject of expertise comes about in the media in coincidence to a news event. Interviews are in most instances incorporated into different varieties of talk, but they exist as a category on their own. Example of shows in the group include The Tonight Show and Davide Letterman. When compared to comedic talk shows, the interview adheres to journalistic responsibility since they tackle essential subjects that require critical analysis.

In conclusion

One cannot ignore the contribution of talk shows on vital issues. They have a significant impact in shaping the opinion of the audience. Therefore, moderation should be in place to avoid bias but instead foster rational and critical views.

Work Cited

Tolson, Andrew, ed. Television talk shows: discourse, performance, spectacle. Routledge, 2001.

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