Total Quality Management System

Total quality management

Total quality management is a management system that aims to improve the products and services produced by a company. The idea is to improve the quality of the products and services by implementing a consistent plan of work. This process has been called the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. Its principles include planning, controlling, and preventing the defects before they leave the production area. It has been used by companies worldwide to improve their products and services.

Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is one of the most commonly used tools in Total Quality Management (TQM). It helps to gather data, analyze the results, and implement solutions based on those findings. The PDCA cycle encourages innovation and focuses on the problem-solving process. It also helps to detect faults and provides valuable feedback to improve performance.

Juran Trilogy

The cost of poor quality is the sum of all costs that are associated with low quality, including the costs of defects, rework, and failure. In total quality management, these costs are minimized through a project-by-project approach. The concept of the Juran Trilogy is a widely used business management tool and has been applied in many different industries. It is a powerful tool for creating high-quality products, services, and processes.

Continual improvement

One of the key principles of a quality management strategy is continual improvement. It is the permanent goal of an organisation to improve its capabilities and satisfy customers' requirements. According to ISO 9001, continual improvement aims to enhance an organisation's performance through the development of organisational proficiencies. Moreover, continuous improvement also allows for greater flexibility in responding to opportunities. Continual improvement should be an integral part of every organisation's culture.

Employee buy-in

A key element of successful total quality management is employee buy-in. While implementation struggles and teething problems are inevitable, TQM can encourage employee independence while freeing your company to be more innovative. Total quality management has seven key pillars. They include management by metrics, continuous improvement, supplier management, strategic planning, and employee buy-in. This philosophy focuses on the customer and improves processes and employee morale.


Total quality management has its roots in the late 1970s and early 1980s when the U.S. Navy began promoting the concept. In an effort to stay competitive, the Navy asked civilian researchers to help make its ships more reliable. After the Navy started using the technique in its own programs, other organizations followed suit. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency also adopted TQM techniques in its underground storage tank program. By the 1990s, the private sector had also followed suit, and many organizations began using the principles and ideas of TQM to stay competitive.

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