The Three Jobs of the Future

American scholar Robert Reich

American scholar Robert Reich teaches at the University of California. He has authored numerous works, some of which have gone on to become bestsellers. The Three Jobs of the Future is the title of Chapter 14 in his work The Work of Nations. Since he is a professor, he was worried about his students because many of them graduate and have to worry about finding good employment in the job market, which is why he wrote this chapter. In an effort to educate graduates and other interested parties about the best jobs that can flourish in the current economic climate, he wrote this chapter. The chapter acknowledges some of the most renowned industries in the American economy because they are considered very competitive. He also states that some of these industries play a huge role in influencing the world’s economy. The chapter largely explains on the three jobs of the future which according to Reich are the best since they have promising returns in the future.

Categories of work in the international labor market

America is increasingly becoming a major part of the international labor market and therefore it is crucial that Americans be competitive enough for this market. There are some upcoming categories of work that correspond to some positions which Americans get in the global labor market (Reich, 171). The first category is routine production services. This category is comprised of the tasks that are performed on a repetitive basis. It is usually a role that is a part of a number of steps that are applied to produce a final commodity which can be traded in the international market. They are usually low and middle level jobs. These services are used in all types of economies. An example is data entry jobs in institutions such as banks. This process is conducted daily using a standard procedure. Assembly line workers also repeat the same processes over and over again so as to fulfill their responsibilities. Some of the basic skills necessary in this category include literacy and numeracy. These jobs are recommended because they are mostly found in places with a modern economy and they are performed repetitively.

The other category is in-person services. Like routine production services, this class also entails repetition of tasks. Payment is made based on the number of hours worked or the work executed. Supervision is done closely. These jobs do not necessarily require high education qualification such as college degrees. A high school diploma is sufficient in this case. These services are delivered on a personal level hence are not sold globally. The servers work in small groups or individually while delivering their services to the beneficiaries. Examples include taxi drivers and security guards (Reich, 179). . Due to the nature of their jobs, in person workers have to be reliable and pleasant because they have to interact with people. Reich notes that this category is denominated by women since they are regarded as nurturing. These jobs are created easily as compared to other categories of jobs. For instance, restaurants provide opportunities for in person jobs such as waiters, cleaners and security guards.

The final category is the symbolic-analytic services. This category includes more technical responsibilities than the previous categories. It includes, lawyers, engineers, bankers, and consultants among other problem solving groups. Under this class, workers identify, broker and solve problems through the manipulation of symbols. This manipulation is conducted through tools of analysis which can be mathematical, legal, or any other techniques. Some of these manipulations are intended to save time and energy whereas others bring forth new inventions such as technology. Further, some manipulations which involve sound, words and pictures are used for entertainment or self–reflection (Reich, 181). Contrary to in-person services, symbolic analysts barely interact with the beneficiaries of their work. This category is different from the routine producers in that instead of supervisors, symbolic analysts have partners. Their income is dependent on the quality of their output rather than quantity. Their careers barely follow a specific pattern. Here, teamwork is crucial as it helps in solving problems and making critical evaluations. These analysts are well educated with bachelor’s degrees and even some with graduate degrees. They hold meetings and travel to reach agreements on how to conceptualize issues, devise solutions and execute them.

Target audience and purpose

This chapter is targeted for all members of the working population in America. The three categories mentioned comprise 75% of all the jobs in America. These categories include all types of academic qualifications. As long as one is able to read and can compute some calculations, there is an opportunity for him or her. Some of the jobs overlap depending on the qualifications and responsibilities (Reich, 177). As a professor, Reich is encouraging college students to participate in the symbolic analyst category since it is well paying and the United States has a good education system therefore giving an advantage over other countries as it can use these skills to develop faster.

Rhetorical situation and techniques

Reich intends for the audience to understand various issues about the job market in the U.S. A deeper understanding about these issues and categories which are considered as the future jobs aids one make a decision which sector to invest in or seek employment. It also enables one to understand the necessary qualifications and the roles of a certain job. The audience may also take some action towards a certain career path (Reich, 175). For instance, students may opt to further their education so as to be a part of the symbolic analysts’ category which requires high academic qualifications and motivation.

The rhetorical situation of Reich’s topic is based on the future of the global job market. The audience is those seeking jobs and interested in expanding their career potential such as college students. Reich’s purpose is to inform people of the ever changing nature of the global labor market and what its future. The setting is the global market since America is a large economy. Tyler Cowen’s chapter on “The Big Earners and the Big Losers” notes that those who earn more are people like managers and lawyers (Reich, 171). . That is, those classified as symbolic analysts by Reich. The chapter is based on the current labor market and explains some of the scarce resources nowadays which include quality labor and unique skills, intellectual property and quality land. Barbara Ehrenreich’s chapter “Serving in Florida” rhetorical situation is on a personal perspective. Barbara writes about her experiences. She notes that there is no relationship between the number of advertisements and the number of available jobs due to a high turnover. “Class in America” by Gregory Mantsios is based on the contemporary society in the U.S. Just like Reich, he notes that there are a number of classes in the society. His audience is the people of all classes as he breaks down various features under this.

One rhetorical technique used by Reich in this chapter is metanoia whereby he qualifies statements by giving explanations (Reich, 171). . For instance, he states that the symbolic analysts’ class is deals with highly technical matters then qualifies this by explaining that this category comprises of highly educated personnel. He also uses analogy heavily to compare different characteristics. This is because this chapter is an analysis of different job categories and hence comparisons are a necessity.

Personal reflection

After reading these chapters, I have learned a lot regarding both the local and global market. My views have changed as I have learned that the American labor market is expanding to global capacities and having information on what is required is of great help while making career choices or investments. The argument that influenced me most is that by Reich. I agree that the global market is changing and the sectors that will be most profitable in future are also changing. Keeping track of these changes over time is important for an economy. For instance, the automobile industry seems to be thriving currently however, this is likely to change in the near future. Therefore, people considering gaining skills should carefully evaluate which industries are most likely to progress and be beneficial in future.

Work Cited

Reich, Robert B. The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalis. Vintage, 2010.

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