The Story of Perpetua

The life of Saint Perpetua and Felicity is fascinating. The story indicates the suffering faced by the early Christians in Rome. Christianity was a minority religion since the majority of the people practiced polytheism. As a result of the difference in religion, Christians like Perpetua were mistreated and persecuted to denounce their faith in God (Cotter-Lynch, 2016). Christian believers were sentenced and subjected to the harsh situation for their spiritual belief in God. Perpetua among other people remained focused on serving God and spreading the gospel to non-Christians.

Perpetua having been born in the early church was a critical figure in the life of a Christian. The life diary of Perpetua inspires me to remain focused and committed to my religion. The events she faced inspired future generations. The story encourages me to courageously spread and endure life sufferings for the success of current and future generations (Heffernan, 2014). Perpetua was condemned for her strong beliefs and faith in God. Her father, most of the times, tried to persuade her to denounce Christianity. Despite the brutal persecution, Perpetua and the other prisoners were determined to sacrificing their lives to save future generations. They believed that dying in Christ was the only way to eternal life.

According to the story, some lives are more significant than others. Some people are born to endure sufferings for the success of others. Superheroes have to remain courageous in their actions and in fighting for the freedom of their followers. A hero may even die for the interests of his people. In my life and career, I aspire to champion for what’s right and just. I am determined to live a life worthy emulation by the future generations. I commit my life to inspire and transform the lives of others. I want to be remembered for my good actions in supporting the needy in the community. Perpetua was a community hero who sacrificed her life for future Christians.


Cotter-Lynch, M. (2016). Introduction: Remembering Perpetua. Saint Perpetua across the Middle Ages, 1-13. doi:10.1057/978-1-137-46740-9_1

Heffernan, T. J. (2014). The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity. Christianity, 1-17. doi:10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780199777570.001.0001

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