The Song I Like The Most

The song was sang by Rolling Stones. It was first recorded in 1977 in Paris ("The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up - Official Promo"). The song was given different versions. The song was originally done as a reggae then after a while it was given the rock beats. The song is usually used to usher in new actions. For instance it was used by the Microsoft Company when they introduced to the world the use of Microsoft windows as a software in computers. Today the song is still used when introducing or welcoming something new.

I am / I want songs

My Fair Lady

The song was done by Lehman Engel in 1990s ("My Fair Lady Y Pygmalion"). The song addressed the lady he wanted. The artist aimed at reaching the lady he loved. The song is usually used to complement a lover to show how important she is in ones’ life. It is basically used in the romantic environment.

An intermission teaser


The song was sang by Bruno Mars ("Bruno Mars - Treasure Lyrics | Metrolyrics"). It has different versions. The song is categorized under the R " B. The song basically addresses things that we cherish and respect in our societies. The treasure is given to certain things or people because of the important roles they play in our life.

An 11 O’clock number

The Winner Takes it All

The song was done by Meryl Streep. The song was originally known as the story of my life ("Abba - The Winner Takes It All"). It reflect the divorce between Abba band members and Agnetha. The song is usually shows the climax of something for instance, the end of the show. The song is usually used to show that something has come to its end.

A specialty song

It's My Party

The song was sang by Lesley Gore. The song is sung during birthday parties ("Lesley Gore - It's My Party Lyrics | Metrolyrics"). The song is meant to congratulate the person party man or woman. The song is usually sung in the birthday environment.

Works cited

"Abba - The Winner Takes It All". Youtube, 2018, Accessed 10 Dec 2018.

"Bruno Mars - Treasure Lyrics | Metrolyrics". Metrolyrics.Com, 2018, Accessed 10 Dec 2018.

"Lesley Gore - It's My Party Lyrics | Metrolyrics". Metrolyrics.Com, 2018, Accessed 10 Dec 2018.

"My Fair Lady Y Pygmalion". Youtube, 2018, Accessed 10 Dec 2018.

"The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up - Official Promo". Youtube, 2018, Accessed 10 Dec 2018.

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