The Role of Podcasts in Psychology

The paper aims at developing a testable hypothesis, provide psychological implications of the podcast experience and explore meditation and its impact in the field of psychology. The hypothesis will show how research is essential in psychology and demonstrate an understanding of the processes involved in the scientific method. There will be a discussion of how the Unraveling Bolero relates to the readings and eventually the benefits that accrue from being mindful.

Chapter 1: Hypothesis

H0. “Students who experience test anxiety before a math exam are more likely to get higher scores than other students who do not suffer text anxiety.” In this hypothesis, students are the subject population, and text anxiety is the dependent variable while higher scores are the dependent variable. The ex-survey method will be used since the research is a correlation research design. Ex-survey approach is necessary as it helps in examining whether one or more pre-existing conditions could cause subsequent differences in the groups of the subjects. I chose this hypothesis because students across the world face challenges of coping with tests that lead to poor performances. Math anxiety can result in unpleasant feelings that will hinder an individual’s ability to deal with the situations in a variety of conditions. The likely results of the tested hypothesis will involve test anxiety is more likely to recall the negative experiences in math.

Chapter 2: Podcasts

The podcast chosen is that of Unraveling Bolero that provides a story concerning obsession and creativity together with strange symmetry between the composer and biologist who is revolving around famously repetitive music. The accident of Alex, son of Anne Adams made her quit being a brilliant biologist and stay at home to recover. Afterwards, Adams began to explore her artistic talents where she painted Unraveling Bolero which was a translation of the orchestral piece of music by Michael Ravel into a canvas. The artwork was filled with themes of repetitions. After finishing the paintings, Adams developed a neurological disorder as she began to experience behavioral problems mainly increased difficulties in speaking (Unraveling Bolero). Ravel had also encountered such a situation where the brain was undergoing some changes which mean they suffered from a rare disease known as frontotemporal dementia (FTD).

The podcast relates to this chapter because it helps to explain how every human behavior begins with biology. People's reactions, thoughts and feelings result from the actions of their brains, muscles, nerves and glands. It helps in getting a more profound understanding of how the biological foundations of behavior is still a significant line when it comes to the contemporary biological study of the structure and function of human brain. In Adam’s case, the disease allowed torrents of creativity. The psychological implications for Adams include gradual personality changes, loss of language, and ability to speak, frustration on what was happening to her due change in her brain, and afterwards, creativity emerged.

Chapter 4: Meditation

Meditation refers to the practice of turning an individual's attention from the distracting thoughts and ultimately focusing on the present. In the field of psychology, meditation helps to cultivate mindfulness which is a primary component towards overcoming suffering and recognition of natural wisdom (Tiroumourougane). The fundamental aspects that need to be taken into consideration include body, breadth and thoughts. The psychological benefits of meditation include heightened creativity, improved memory, increase happiness and emotional stability, decreased stress, anxiety and irritability. Additionally, it enabled one to become a better problem solver and enhanced productivity and awareness that eventually make self-actualization more probable. It also helps you to get to the core of who you are, melts away dysfunctional mental and emotional layers and offers ultimate mind-body release. Despite the numerous benefits, meditation has negative consequences. It can impair a person’s judgment on some things, and it is not an independent problem-solving technique as it needs other approaches to become effective. There are also potentials of losing your natural ability, and life passion and motive might fade. I will consider meditating after knowing the benefits of this approach.


In summary, conducting scientific research in the field of psychology is essential to provide causal relationships that exist between variables. The results of different studies will be helpful in giving new inventions, ideas and interventions that can help people overcome severe psychological implications of past experiences. Additionally, meditation may allow one develop positive behaviors that can enhance physical and emotional well-being.

Works cited

Tiroumourougane, K. "A Psychological Perspective on Yoga, Meditation and            Happiness." BAOJ Psychology, vol 1, no. 2, 2016, pp. 1-3. Bio Accent Group LLC,    doi:10.24947/baojp/1/2/00110.

Unraveling Bolero, 2012. Accessed at

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