The Role of Genogram in Family Therapy

Genogram can be defined as the graphics display of the family traits, relationship and the medical history of each member of the family. By going from the traditional family tree allows the members of every family to visualize some of the genetic patterns and psychological fat can help or interrupt relationship. It can also be a method used to identify hereditary tendencies, recurring patterns of behaviors and choices. According to (Krasner 74), the genogram will illustrate three different generations. Depending on the reasons a person can be using the genogram, they may easily recognize the date of births, deaths, marriages.

Issue of concern

As the genogram tries to trace the different problems about the families, in this case, the specific problem is the disease trait within the genogram and how they transferred from one generation to the next. Whenever a member of a family possesses a particular disease, it can then be moved to the offspring, and when proper care and treatment is not taken, it can then affect the new generation of a particular family tree. This will allow knowing the type of diseases which may likely to transfer within the family tree and therefore a proper medication is to be applied to all the family members to stop the further spread of the disease. The identification of the generation patterns, in this case, is done through the pedigree charts whereby it shows autosomal or X-linked disorder (McGoldrick and Sueli 169). That is when most of the males in the pedigree charts are affected then the disorder is X-linked, and when the ratio is equal between men and women in the chart, the disorder is autosomal.

Patterns of behavior

There are different human behavior patterns each, and every individual usually experiences in their lifetime. The most common patterns of behaviors include; reproductive behavior, foraging behavior, and defensive behavior patterns. The reproductive behavior patterns play an essential role in the determination of which gene is to be transferred to the next generation (McGoldrick, Monica and Sueli 116). Thus the disease can be passed for one generation to another.

The use of professionals in the determination of the intergeneration patterns has become important over a period of time among the families. As the family connection between different generations have been of the most crucial social bonds in almost all the society. For a long period of time the families have been defined by the blood relatives and the conjugal units which include wife, husband and children. These patterns have evolve in different cultures for the intergenerational arrangements of living, inheritance, obligation, support and the relationship that occurs among the members of the families .

In the modern world, there is a need of the professionals to help the families in the identification of the intergeneration pattern as the families exist in several forms which may include same-sex couples, single parent, step and blended families, grandparent-grandchild and the childless families. Families differ also in their housing and living patterns. These changes are what made the professionals to participate in the determination of the family pattern from one generation to the next. The professionals therefore should be able to identify all the traits within the families. The following are the pattern they should know in every family marriage patterns, diseases pattern and the age pattern of the members.

Genogram as an assessment tool

In the scenario of hereditary of the diseases from one generation to another the genogram, therefore, help the family in the determination of the occurrences of a particular illness among its members. This is done after the assessment of the older generation possibilities of contacting such a disease; therefore, it makes it easy for the family to diagnose its members at the right time.

A genogram is an essential tool in the different area of professionalism, for instance, it can be used as a clinical tool by the medical professions and the family therapists to help in the identification of the patient's crucial family information (Rempel, Anne and Kaysi 77). Besides the genogram has assisted the medical physicians in the understanding of different reasons why patients usually are unable to understand the medical diagnosis are refusing some treatments. After the completion of the patient assessment, the available information can, therefore, be transformed into an organizational family chart with the different symbol for the identification of gender. Due to the several uses of the genogram by the family therapist, has led to the unnecessary frustrations and negative comments to the family


In conclusion, every family should take the initiative to follow the trait in the family tree so that it can control before it is transferred to the new generation for a proper continuation of the family tree. For the case of diseases trait within the generation which comes as a result of reproduction, care should be taken because if not take there will be a reduction in the members of a family as the new generation comes.

Work cited

Krasner-Khait, B. "Focusing Beneath the Surface: Genograms Add Insight to Family             Research." Ancestry,

McGoldrick, Monica, Randy Gerson, and Sueli S. Petry. Genograms: Assessment and             intervention. WW Norton " Company, 2008.

Rempel, Gwen R., Anne Neufeld, and Kaysi Eastlick Kushner,2010 "Interactive use of             genograms and ecomaps in family caregiving research.

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