The Role of Active Learning in Education

Active Learning and Student Engagement

Active learning is surely a method that allows the student to acquire a higher level of thinking skills. The application of active learning in class requires the student to participate instead of sitting and listening alone (Rubens, Elahi, Sugiyama & Kaplan, 2015). Therefore, the student must get involved in activities that enable them to understand the concept instead of just only listening to the presentations of the facilitator. In this case, students are supposed to do things and think about the whole concept at the same time.

Activity-Based Learning

Active learning is achieved through activity-based activities. The method allows students to carry out some activities related to the concept presented. Additionally, practical project methods are necessary for demonstrating the procedures of a certain process (Rubens et al., 2015). Therefore, active learning promotes proper mastery of the content. This is because student understands the concepts through gathering and analyzing data to find a solution to critical cognitive issues.


Rubens, N., Elahi, M., Sugiyama, M., " Kaplan, D. (2015). Active learning in recommender systems. In Recommender systems handbook (pp. 809-846). Springer, Boston, MA.


Learner-centered education allows students to teach themselves. The method develops learner’s autonomy when doing personal studies (Guzdial, 2015). The student are put in a position where they can complete a particular task independently. The student acquires a lifelong learning process of solving any problem. Learners have the responsibility of constructing meaning based on the information given and past experience.  It motivates students to engage in peer-to-peer discussions which allows collaborative thinking when finding solution to a problem. Therefore, students will get abundance knowledge from critical thinking and consultation from friends. The teacher is supposed to act more like a facilitator rather instructors. A facilitator only gives directions on whatever should be done in a particular course rather going into much details (Guzdial, 2015). The students are given the responsibility of gathering other details regarding a certain concept. They have a chance of gauging their learning process which motivates the student to be self-motivated and determined.


Guzdial, M. (2015). Learner-centered design of computing education: Research on computing for everyone. Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics, 8(6), 1-165.

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