The Renaissance Art in Florence and Siena

Both Siena and Florence were two cities which influenced the life and politics of Tuscany. Florence was the most agricultural district while Siena was in the mountainous southern area. However, in politics, Florence supported the pope while Siena was loyal to the emperor. Florence was the core of the Italian Renaissance art which is demonstrated by pizzas and building of architecture. For instance, the Renaissance art is evident in decorated churches, Florence cathedral, and various palaces. For example, one of the most elegant architecture was Palazzo Strozzi. The exterior of this prestigious home has a surface that depicts the most exceptional renaissance architecture. Likewise, the interior features contemporary pieces of art. Unlike counterparts in Florence, artists in Siena attempted neither allegories nor portraits myths. At their best, their artistic peculiarity translated into images that rhyme with spiritual commitment. For instance, Malavolti Tripty completed in 1426 features Madonna who is disembodied waif than new mother. Angles in intricate azure and gold robes frame the piece of art, thus adding to its decoration.

The artistic expressions had a significant impact on Florence and Sienna communities. In Florence, art aroused the advancement of intellect and spirit, which created a sense of cultural achievement. For instance, Pope Boniface VII was surprised by the art in Florence and hence termed them as the fifth element. Initially, there was a notion that four elements made up the world and included water, earth, air, and fire. Thus, artistic success led to thus led to increased cooperation with pope and church affairs.  However, Sienese art expressed political ideas.  For illustration, the depiction of Roman heroes and politicians remained a permanent component of Sienese civic art. For example, one of the most exceptional pieces of art was marble seats by Antonio Federighi with reliefs of Italian soldiers and subjects including the first Brutus. Thus, the art enhanced loyalty to the political leaders in the Siennese community.

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