The pyramids of Egypt are considered among the Seven Wonders of the World and it’s irrefutable that they pose a challenge to contemporary human beings in an attempt to decipher their secrets. These commemorative tombs are the remnants of the period's governed through Egypt's the Old Kingdom. Having been built over 4500 years ago (Edwards and Stephen), the pyramids seem to have withstood a lifetime. Learning how the Pyramids of Giza were built is no simple quest since there were no cameras to document the construction at the time they were built. But, scientists have pieced together clues on how the towering monuments were constructed. A series of new discoveries over the past decades have enabled researchers to paint a clear picture of how the pyramids of Giza were built. Additionally, today’s scientists have learned about the people who took part in the construction and the political powers which necessitated the activities. In this essay, I will dive deep in the how and why the three pyramids of Giza were constructed.
Archeological digs of the awesome site depict a highly organized community of builders with abundant resources supported by a central authority. The initial phase of the construction was to identify the suitable site (Smith). The western side of the Nile was preferred as it was the sunset direction, and the dead were also perceived to get into the underworld through that side. The pyramids were also to be located on a raised ground, away from the exposure of floods during Nile’s overflow.
Moreover, the building ground was not to be away from the bank; the river was the link through which the fine quality limestone blocks used in outer casing were to be obtained from Tura, on the further side of the Nile (Bard). The site chosen would be placed on a section of the desert plateau to provide rigid rock bottom susceptible to holding the massive weight of the pyramid without the conventional threat of breaking. It was also expected to be eyesight away from the capital for the King to survey the construction whenever possible.
Site preparation.
With the floor plan of The Valley of Kings tombs in existence, the construction of the pyramid was a no random act as the measurements were exact to a greater degree. The workers were to first make the foundation rigid through the removal of loose sand from the rock. This was followed by making rock-bottom wholly flat. This was carried out by building mud walls around the base and cutting channels in an array over the surface. The mud walls would be filled with water which was drained afterwards, consequently leaving projecting rocks to be cut into required shapes and filling the depressions to obtain an adequately levelled surface.
Both sides of the pyramid had to face one of the pivotal points. The builders set up the True North initially and obtained the rest of the directions from that. It was established through having a sighting of particular star on the Northern sky; they would view the rising and setting of the star and mark the appearance and disappearance on the unnatural horizon. This was probably attained by the assistance of the right-angled drawing instruments. Follow up activity was making a perfect square out of the leveled rock bottom. All the four corners had to be of equal length and accurate right angles.
Raising the Blocks
Often at times, the rocky projections were used as the pyramid core to make work easier. The inner sections and pass ways would be built separately and real pyramids built around them. The major pyramid constructors appeared to have declined on the proposed burial site. The pyramid located at the center would be built of limestone extracted from the desert plateau. After completion of the major structure, the pyramid was finished through covering it with well-shaped and dressed Tura limestone. Granite was also used at times in lower cases.
The exact method of raising pyramids is not clear as pulleys were later inventions of the Romans. Nevertheless, Herodotus; Greek Historian, tells of the use of levers in raising blocks from one level to another (Hodges and Keable). Some speculations have also rented the Historic atmosphere that teams of workers would use ramps in hauling the blocks. The defectiveness of this theory is that the ramps would have attained the height of the pyramids hence extending into the desert. Apparently, there is no trace of such a structure and another idea is leveraging on the thought that the ramp was disassembled after completion of the structure. These deliberations are still underway on the construction methods.
Aside from the creative methods in which the pyramids of Egypt were constructed, various political and cultural reasons necessitated the building of the pyramids. The pyramids were built for religious purposes. Egyptians are considered to be among the civil societies which believed in hereafter. They perceived that second self (Ka) was dwelling within every individual. After the expiry of physical body, the Ka enjoyed eternity. The ones who were lucky enough to pass the “Osiris” test needed to find comfort in life after death. It is however a no-brainer that the Great Pyramids were magnificent tombs of the Great Pharaohs.
Moreover, the Egyptian Tycoons preferred taking their valuable possessions with them to afterlife for the Ka to enjoy a greater deal of them. The chambers of Great Tombs were filled with gold, silver and bronze artifacts. The inner chambers were graced with artwork and fine linens. Some Tombs were even furnished with restrooms significantly for the Pharaohs.
Every meaningful Pyramid is but a section of the grand complex housing a palace, temples, solar boat pits, and other significant features (David and David). The construction workers hailed from the close temporary city. During floods, the farmers would also be incorporated in the building. The builders were highly skilled and well-bred Egyptians. It is probable that the Egyptian communities solicited people, brought food and other essentials collectively in the somewhat national project aimed at portraying the mass of means “wealth” and the jurisdiction of the ancient Pharaohs.
In sum, while various conspiracy theories surround the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, the belief by scientists and archaeologists that the builders used sledges to pull huge stone blocks and a pulley system to haul them up the pyramid's slopes seems more down to earth. The builders also relied on water to lubricate the stone blocks lugged along the sand, before being winched into place. As for the why the pyramids were constructed, religious reasons and the need for place to store valuable possession for use in the afterlife are some of the most logical explanations.
Works Cited
Smith, Craig B. How the great pyramid was built. Smithsonian Institution, 2018.
Bard, Kathryn A. An introduction to the archaeology of ancient Egypt. John Wiley " Sons, 2015.
Hodges, Peter, and Julian Keable. How the pyramids were built. Aris " Phillips, 1989.
David, A. Rosalie, and Rosalie David. The pyramid builders of ancient Egypt: a modern investigation of pharaoh's workforce. Routledge, 2002.
Edwards, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen. The pyramids of Egypt. Vol. 168. In the Hands of a Child, 1947.