The Problem with Apu

For this week, you need to first watch The Problem with Apu. It is available on TruTv if you have cable: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. If you don't, it is also available on Amazon, Vudu, iTunes, and Google Play - the direct links should be easily found here:

Once you have watched the entire documentary, I'd like you to also watch Hank Azaria's response on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

Hank Azaria: 'The Right Thing To Do' With Apu

Hank Azaria: 'The Right Thing To Do' With Apu

In order to get context of both the character as well as the Simpsons' response to the controversy the documentary ignited in the actual show (the last episode listed here), please watch the following episodes. You can find all of these episodes here:

Season 7, episode 23: Much Apu about Nothing

Season 11, episode 9: Eight Misbehavin'

Season 17, episode 17: Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore

Season 27, episode 12: Much Apu about Something

Season 29, episode 15: No Good Read Goes Unpunished


And then I'd like you to find one more commentary piece on the controversy on your own - they should be easy to find.

After you do ALL of that!, please write the following:

I'd like you to write a one page single-spaced response in which you defend The Simpsons' regarding the depiction of the character of Apu, as well as on their choice to continue to use a white actor to voice an Indian character. I also would like you to write a one page single-spaced response in which you condemn their depiction.

You need to submit this in ONE FILE. If you use sources (which you can and should but do not allow the sources to take over your own voice and authority in stating your own ideas), please use MLA to cite them, both in parenthetical citation as well as including a Works Cited page at the end - ALSO included in your ONE FILE.

More often than not, American accents are feigned in the showbiz, and it is only professional. As with most other cartoons, the incongruency in cartoon content has been deemed insulting. Reverse the depicted role, if Asians are faking an American accent for a particular role, the effects would not have been as exaggerated, this is a clear oversimplification of microracism or microaggression. Also, not all stereotypes are necessarily derogatory, as in the case of Apu in The Simpsons, it was merely factual and did not insult Hinduism nor the race, merely a trying depiction (Klein, and Shiffman). It takes more understandable approach to know that these cartoon programs are light-hearted. Liken to attending a comedy show, depending on the types of comedy, audiences come with a level of preparedness, to not take insults personally, knowing that it was all in the name of engagement and fun. The only line of differentiation is that it only grants participants from the same associative group (Aziz Ansari) the legal rights to crack jokes about his race and all the racial connotations. However, that said, the pervading problem (racism) still exists and is not instigative of audience’s actions, in steering them to be racist. In the case of Apu in The Simpsons, according to Hank Azaria, his comment on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert proved that the intention was not to marginalized the minorities, and instead displays the concerting need to listen to these minorities (Hank Azaria: 'The Right Thing To Do' With Apu). The character is make-belief and there is essentially no reality injection, merely satirical. The conclusion should be that the intent of the depiction of Apu to should not be discriminatory and done with moderate intent, even if the intent was investigative or promoting a prevalent issue, it should be portrayed with the consideration of the parties depicted. What would cushion the impact would be the voice actors having the moral responsibility to voice out the intent and having to ‘clear the air’ concerning any backlash. What qualifies as good intent should be that it helps to propagate a message that will move the hands of audiences, or to spark thinking and drive it into some introspective for a good cause (e.g. stop/discourage racism).


"Hank Azaria: 'The Right Thing To Do' With Apu". The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, 2018.

Klein, Hugh, and Kenneth S. Shiffman. "Race-Related Content Of Animated Cartoons". Howard Journal Of Communications, vol 17, no. 3, 2006, pp. 163-182. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/10646170600829493.

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