The Kent Day Care Program

One of the major growing concerns in the United States is the amount of time that parents spend with their children and in particular the amount of time working mothers spend with their children. Statistics assert that almost 70% of all moms work outside their homes. While the high income people in the society can afford to hire nannies and some even work from home, the low income community is often caught in the dilemma whether to stay at home with their children or to look for jobs. With the rising number of working mothers and expenses needed for caregivers, there is an increase in the number of daycare services. However, very few are able to cater for the low-income parents. This points at the gap that exists in the service thus the need to open one in Washington DC in a community of low-income earners.

The Kent Day Care program by Crystal and Tomeka Kent seeks to bridge the gap of need for single mothers from low income backgrounds to help ease their stress of availability and affordability. The Kent Day Care program is seeking a grant to open their services in Washington DC with the help of helping the single mothers in the low income areas. The objective is that the women will no longer have to be stressed about the welfare of their children as they engage in income generating activities and elevate their lives in general. The day care project is informed by the available statistics on the stress that accompany working mothers when they need to take care of their children and attend to their jobs as well.

The facility would accommodate at least 60 children per day and the clients will be offered both group care and home daycare services with exceptional care from trained and licensed caregivers where their little ones will get valuable socialization with children within their age. The center would run round the clock with high health standards to give the child a homely feel both at home and in the center. Besides the obvious benefits of a day care, Kent Day Care Program also offers the clients transport for their children, basic learning activities for children, in-house nurse, month-by-month information filing, meals, and memberships. The membership offers the client access to more services.


The budget includes funds for the basic amenities for startup of the program as well as other necessary services. The wages of the staff is based on the current minimum wage rates of 13.25 and the building mortgage is calculated based on the Washington DC fixed rate for fifteen years at 3.94%. The entertainment equipment include toys, a television set and music system as well as computers for games for the children. Besides, the children would also be provided with cribs and diapers as well as other grooming necessities such as baby oils. The indirect costs are included in the miscellaneous section and includes (but not limited to) transportation for the equipment and supplies.

The following is the budget for the program:



Staff Salary


Building Mortgage (per year) (15 years fixed mortgage at 3.9%)




Toys and entertainment equipment


Insurance (per month)



2,600 USD





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