The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a longstanding, complex and deeply divisive issue in the Middle East. The main dispute is over the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. The two sides claim to have historic rights to these territories, although the international community has largely rejected this.

Claims and Violations

Israel claims that the Palestinians want to completely eradicate the Jewish presence in the occupied land and are unwilling to engage in peace. The Palestinians also claim that the Israeli occupation is a violation of their human rights, including their right to a state under the rule of law. In recent years, tensions between the two sides have risen and resulted in a number of military incidents. Many of these involve armed attacks and the use of live ammunition.

Attempts at Finding a Solution

There have been several attempts at finding a solution to this problem. These include the Camp David Accords and the Oslo Peace Process. However, neither has been able to achieve any significant success.


In the West Bank, Israel continues to build settlements on land it seized from the indigenous population during the Six-Day War in 1967. This is in violation of international law. Settlements are a serious security concern to the Palestinians and are a key obstacle to peace between them and Israel. They prevent the emergence of a viable, independent Palestinian state and threaten the existence of Israel as a Jewish State. Settlers often commit acts of violence against the Palestinians, with impunity. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has reported that there were 118 settler attacks on the Palestinians in 2021, up from 84 in 2020.

Protests and Disruption

The settlers' violent actions against the Palestinians are a serious cause of concern for both sides and have led to several protests in the West Bank. A number of these protests have been linked to the ongoing legal battle over ownership of property in Jerusalem. This has led to widespread disruption of daily life and the closure of businesses in a number of areas. It has also been a source of anger among many people on both sides, as the attacks have resulted in many casualties.

Current Government and Extremist Parties

In addition to the escalation of violence, there are also concerns that the Israeli government may not be interested in calming things down. This is because the current government is one of the most hawkish ever. These worries are borne out by reports that the new government is taking a tougher line on Palestinians, which could stifle any possibility for peace. The influx of Israeli soldiers into the West Bank is also making things more volatile, as NPR's Peter Kenyon reports. Another potential factor is the rise of extremist right-wing parties in the Israeli political scene. These parties are more hostile to the concept of a "two-state solution" and are seeking to establish a Jewish state in the entirety of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The Role of the European Union

The European Union has a role to play in resolving the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It can do this by first developing its role as a neutral broker between the two sides, something that could help to bridge the gap between them. It can also provide some reassurance to the Israelis that Europe stands behind them.

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