The Island of Malta

I made a tour to one of the smallest countries in the world one year ago. The country, Malta, is a little Mediterranean paradise that becomes a mystery to anybody who visits as it is so rich in culture and history yet it is not a typical household name. Malta is located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea and covers a total land mass of 316 km2. The people living on the island are called Maltese, and they are so kind, generous, and good at heart. The Island has a quiet coastline, ancient artifacts, and a landscape that offers a natural beauty surrounded by the dazzling blue color of the sky and sea. A visit to the island provides an opportunity to learn of its historical contributions that have occurred over an extended period and the unique wonders of Malta such as no single forest, mountain, or river. Malta is one of the fascinating countries around the world today because of its unique history, culture, and passionate hospitality that leaves a mark on the heart of every visitor. 

I was stunned to learn that the capital city, Valletta, was sketched in the sixteenth century and this makes it one of the first ever cities in Europe. The town is a masterpiece of rococo art and offers a rich historical past for anybody to discover. The buildings in this spectacular land are arranged in rows and are surrounded by ancient walls. The city's streets are so narrow, yet they offer an array of services such as street events that are staged during the day and night. Furthermore, there are tiny shops in the narrow side streets that sell prints and jewelry among other attractive items. Almost every corner of Valletta offers an exceptional history of Malta with artworks, churches, and palaces glowing for anybody. If one is lucky enough to visit the country during summer, then they experience a range of traditional festivals that are frequently held in every corner of Valletta. The feasts are marked by a magnificent display of fireworks as the beautiful streets come to life with melodious bands entertaining the residents and visitors. Maltese have a unique dish that is only available in this part of the world. They have the delicious and appetizing Pastizzi which is a filo pastry baked with mushy peas or ricotta cheese. As a first time visitor to this breathtaking land, I was advised to take it with Kinnie which is a glass of soda that is made using a mixture of bitter-oranges, herbs, and spices that are unique to this country.

The colors of the beautiful sun, stone, and water are striking as the honey-colored stones and the limestone color that cover the surface of the island cuddle with the blue water of the Mediterranean. A fascinating thing about the Maltese was that they are all somehow connected either as friends or family. In addition, the island is so small, and whenever one is on land, they are not more than thirty minutes away. Adding to the list of captivating things around Malta is that they drive on the left. Therefore, Malta offers a unique balance of history, culture, and great hospitality. The scenery around the country provides a spectacular surrounding that can be described as an open-air museum with a display of architectural prowess. I loved the experience in Malta, and its uniqueness will always fascinate me.

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