The Importance of Ethics in Army Instructors

Ethics can be defined as a moral principle that oversee a person’s behavior while performing a particular activity. It is also a branch of philosophy, which involves determining and discerning what can be justified as right or wrong. Ethics is applied by organizations in various fields of their operations. For instance, some firms work under codes of ethics which serve as a reminder to individuals about the mission, values, and principles of the entity.

            Copyright infringement involves the use of works that are protected by the copyright law without any authorization. Use of such articles by students may affect the instructors adversely since they may tend to publish some of their students’ works which they see as perfect. They may end up being sued in a court of law since authors of the published work may feel they are not appreciated. An example is when an author finds his/her work is being sold on an online platform without their knowledge. The work may be supposed to be for a particular audience but finds a few adjustments have been made such as changing the name and location. Instructors may, therefore, end up in problems when they find themselves defending their innocence in a court of law.

            Cheating is a widespread issue that has been reported in different institutions. The unhealthy act in schools causes instructors to pass through a tough time when marking and grading their students work. For instance, it becomes hard for instructors to mark assignments which they know has been copied from an article published by another author (Akeley " Miller, 2012). Moreover, it appears in some students’ scripts that they present similar work which means that they copy each other’s work. Tutors, therefore, see it wastage of time gauging their students when they understand a bulk of what they will mark will be a fraud.

Plagiarism is the use of another author’s idea, language or representation of their work without crediting the author. The use of information directly as it is in an individual’s work affects instructors in various ways (Akeley " Miller, 2012). For instance, quoting a person’s work without acknowledging him/her makes it difficult for an instructor to assess and gauge the work of a student. Furthermore, it becomes hard for instructors to identify their students learning and writing skills since from the presentation of the student’s work it appears that they are perfect in all fields of learning.

 Improper relationship between the instructor and students can enormously affect instructors in various ways. If the link becomes known, the instructor can face punishment which includes being sucked off their work. There have been numerous cases of improper ties in schools and instructors; an example is a case where math's instructor, in Texas, was accused by a student of committing abusive actions during tutoring lessons (Bruton " Childers, 2016). The student claimed that the instructor touched his genitals and lured her to having sexual relations. The instructor was found guilty charged with abusing the minor which is a serious offense and was sentenced to twenty-five years imprisonment (Lasiter et al., 2012). Furthermore, he got registered as a sex offender which excludes him from coming into contact with minors and if found can face criminal charges. With such a case, the instructor's career comes to an end as no institution can hire him. Therefore, an improper relationship with the students can be deemed as an end to a career for the instructor.

            Ethics is an essential topic for army instructors in diversified ways. For instance, it is of vital importance for army instructors to be trustworthy and instill that sense of trust relationship among the junior army officers. Building trust relationships help army instructors to motivate their subjects. The fresh army officers get to take their exercise and duties in good faith having in mind that their instructor gives the directives in the interest of shaping the career of their subjects. There are several more reasons why ethics is an essential topic for army instructors in that they train army officers in matters that will affect both their nation as well as the whole world.


Akeley Spear, J., " Miller, A. N. (2012). The effects of instructor fear appeals and moral appeals on cheating-related attitudes and behavior of university students. Ethics " Behavior, 22(3), 196-207.

Bruton, S., " Childers, D. (2016). The ethics and politics of policing plagiarism: a qualitative study of faculty views on student plagiarism and Turnitin®. Assessment " Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(2), 316-330.

Lasiter, S., Marchiondo, L., " Marchiondo, K. (2012). Student narratives of faculty incivility. Nursing Outlook, 60(3), 121-126.

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