The Importance of a Balanced Budget

I agree that a balanced budget is critical and that the government should always have one. Having a balanced budget means that the government is free from debts. I believe that this fact is important as the government will be able to protect the future generations from accumulated debts in the present years. A balanced budget is also a means to ensure that the government does not overspend. You have mentioned that there are exceptions when a government may not have a balanced budget. Indeed, there are circumstances where governments cannot do without borrowing. Whenever a government is in a crisis, it is ethical to borrow funds so as not to compromise the welfare of the citizens. As such, the government will be exercising its duties of protecting and taking care of citizens.

unfortunately, it may be difficult for the nation to define what a crisis is. For many years, the government has had unbalanced budgets in its attempt to protect the welfare of the citizens. as a result, the country has run into increased debts. Therefore, there is a need to define what a crisis is to reduce the number of times the government is allowed to borrow. For instance, you have given examples when the government may borrow. These scenarios include recession and natural disasters. However, there is a need for the government to determine what scenario qualifies to be a natural disaster. Also, the government may benefit by setting some caution money to care for such unexpected circumstances. Importantly, experts need to study whenever there are changes in factors like change in tax and change in employment rate to allow adjustments that will help in realizing a balanced budget.

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