The Impact of Technology on Delayed Gratification

It is impossible to accomplish any given task without the ability to monitor and control our emotions, thought, behavior and adapting to the current environment while resisting interference. This quality that helps to inhibit first response, reject impertinent stimulation and to concentrate on your task is called self-regulation. On the other hand, delayed gratification refers to the process that an individual goes through while resisting a smaller and immediate reward so as to receive a huge and lasting prize later. Self-regulation and the capacity to wait for an appropriate time to enjoy the fruits of patience and persistence are greatly influenced by technology.

            Nowadays children depend on technology to enjoy themselves by playing video games, watching cartoons and animations. This behavior if not checked develops a habit that will grossly limit their capability to be imaginative and creative. Also, the behavior impedes the challenges to the children’s bodies that are necessary to reach optimal motor development. The bodies of children are very active as they experiencing rapid growth and development. Therefore, subjecting them to chaotic sensory stimulation like frequently aired television movies will result in a delayed developmental milestone in children. Moreover, it negatively influences the child’s primary skills that help in achieving literacy (Mischel " Mischel, 2006).

            When children are exposed to technological devices like mobile phones, laptops, and television then, by the time they enter school they will struggle to self-regulate and be attentive. The lack of these necessary learning skills will become significant behavior management challenges for instructors in the classroom. Therefore, the rapid advancement in technology has resulted in an increased psychological, physical, and disorders in behavior which are detrimental to the children’s education and health (Jacobs " City University of New York, 2014).

            The ability to concentrate on the studies and resist irrelevant impulses brought by the advanced technology is the behavior that was evaluated in this paper. Whereas many people admit that technology has a potential to disrupt the learning process of students, the majority of learners argue that technology empowers their ability to self-regulate in that accessing information is made easy and timely and give them the freedom to choose what they prefer. Thus, the learners feel that their self-control, self-perception, and efficacy are enhanced.  Research has shown that the use of technology among students to locate requisite information assist these learners to develop the character of self-regulation and ability to work on their assignments independently. The ability of the students to avoid tempting situations like immoral films that are openly broadcast on movies and live television shows is an indication of their continued effort to delay their gratification (Carneiro, 2011).

            In spite of the positive impacts that the technology brought to the learners, there are concerns that have been raised. Several students depend on technology to literally do everything such as typing notes and recording lectures which impact negatively on relevant skills. For example, being used to typing results in poor handwriting skills yet they are expected to take a pen and a paper to write the examinations. Parents and teachers are worried that the learners may fail to balance the use of technology for social purposes and for school work. Research on self-regulated learning revealed that the technologically digital savvy people may not use this advantage for innovation but instead to access things that force them to unconsciously partake. Therefore, technology has a negative impact on delayed gratification (Lee " Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012).

            In conclusion, technology, when used solely for studies, empowers the students to be self-regulated. Any other use and children exposure to technology negatively affect their ability to delay gratification.


Carneiro, R. (2011). Self-regulated learning in technology enhanced learning environments: A European perspective. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Jacobs, M. L., " City University of New York. (2014). Parental reflective functioning and the development of self-regulation: An examination of the relationship between parental reflective functioning and children's capacity to delay gratification.

Lee, K. H., " Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (2012). The influences of the just-in-time social cloud on real world decisions.

Mischel, W., " Mischel, H. N. (2006). The Development of Childrens' Knowledge of Self-Control.

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