The Impact of Immigration on the United States

The United States hosts the largest number of both legal and illegal immigrants worldwide. As a settler-colonial society, most of its citizens have their ancestry roots from other nations across the world. The ever-increasing population growth, as well as the extensive diverse cultural changes throughout the country, can equally be attributed to immigration. According to population statistics 2015, nearly 40 million that is 14.4% of the entire United States population consists of both legal and illegal immigrants. These numbers represent at least 19.1% of the 224 million entire immigrant populations across the world. The number of immigrants or foreign-born individuals has been steadily increasing over the years. The foreign-born include those who are temporarily in the U.S. including students and those working temporarily. Also, this includes people who have gained permanent citizenship through various methods, and lastly the numbers also include illegal/undocumented immigrants who are in the U.S. without any proper authorization.

There are several reasons as to why immigrants leave their individual countries and seek citizenship in the U.S. As a developed country, the United States offers better opportunities (greener pastures) as opposed to many developing countries. Among the legal and illegal immigrants, are those that move to America with the hope to improve their lives and education levels with the aim of finding better jobs, hence higher payments. The standards and quality of education in the United States is equally considered of high value in comparison to the quality of education in several other countries. Unfortunately, there are numerous other immigrants who move to the United States in search of safety and protection. These immigrants make up the largest number of undocumented/illegal immigrants since they do not possess proper documentation. Insecurity levels within their countries such as political instabilities that lead to wars, corruption, and organized criminal gangs that commit heinous crimes such as murder, rape, and smuggling are some of the reasons as to why these immigrants seek asylum in the United States.

Illegal immigrants are however not treated kindly and several measures have been put in place to strictly deal with them especially at the borders. Some of the measures employed have however been highly considered inhuman. These include some like the separation of children from their parents and henceforth termed as unaccompanied while their parents are locked away. These children in their innocence are distressed due to their lack of understanding of the happening around them. All that these children need is the comfort of their parents but they lack this due to the separation. Parents, on the other hand, are equally distressed since they are unaware of the condition of their children and the uncertainties of ever reuniting with their children.

Those that are successful in entering the United States through the borders unnoticed are equally faced by unfair circumstances. Due to their undocumented nature, they are unable to access essential services such as education, medical services, driving licenses, and employment. To worsen their condition most Americans perceive immigrants as individuals who are out to exploit their resources and to occupy their space as well as take over their jobs from them. This, therefore, causes them to treat immigrants unfairly and with a lot of hostility. In support of course to reduce the number of immigrants entering the country, the president has been actively involved in the issue by setting in place extremely strict measures to deal with the immigration issue as well as the immigrants. The president passionately speaks against immigration and his measures are aimed at reducing the number of immigrants attempting to cross the borders, including efforts to build a border wall and deploying soldiers at the borders.

The popular notion that immigrants cause adverse effects to the country and its people have often been refuted through various researches that indicate immigration is beneficial. Their impacts extend to the country at large, the society and the economy in various ways. For instance, the economy has been reported to boom due to the services offered by immigrants, most often personal businesses and wages from low paying jobs. Immigrants have been considered an integral part of the American economy as 28% of all start-up businesses are started by immigrants, one in every six health providers in the U.S. are foreign-born individuals, and nearly $126 billion paid to numerous American families arises from immigrant-owned businesses. Their distribution across all States ensures that their impacts are felt countrywide. For instance, in the year 2016 $2 trillion dollars added to the country’s GDP was as a result of immigrants. Similarly $67 billion and $11.74 billion contributed towards the country’s economy in terms of income and taxes respectively are due to the efforts of immigrants.

Immigrants are largely good people who are looking for a better future for themselves and their families. According to Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute notes that the institution has consistently maintained that immigration has more benefits to the country that the purported adverse effects (Binkowski). The institution also insists that isn’t any substantial evidence suggesting a wave of criminal activity that has been associated with immigrants regardless of their status. Most immigrants are well informed of their previous circumstances and therefore would not try doing any activities that would jeopardize their stay in the U.S. Alex notes that people’s judgment, especially the media is crowned with bias. “… people just don’t like foreigners that much. They hold foreigners to a different standard…” (Binkowski).  When Native Americans commit crimes this not often highlighted and is considered a none issue. However, when immigrants commit a crime the issue is escalated to lengthy heights and they are condemned.

The President, Trump, has also not been helping in the situation as he has continued to fuel the conflict between U.S citizens and the immigrants. In a final rally of the 2018 midterm season in Missippissi city, the president was at it again, against the immigrants with claims that immigrants entering the country through the Southern border were gang members and criminals. The president insisted that the immigrants were moving into the country to ruin the healthcare system for the Americans as well as to take their jobs from them. The president states that “you know you hear these stories about, oh, they don’t commit crimes, we commit crimes, they don’t commit crimes. Always it’s us…It’s fake news” (Guardian News). His comments, however, contravene researches that conclude that immigrants generally commit lesser crimes compared to Native Americans.

Often, most people take for granted whatever privileges they have. Unfortunately, to begin with, they do not realize that what they possess are privileges that several other individuals would also like to possess.  For instance, Native Americans/ natural-born Americans experience many privileges that several immigrants wish to partake. An account by Brian a first-year student at the Columbian College serves to indicate the challenges experienced by immigrants and the unnoticeable privileges natural-born Americans have but rarely recognize. Brian notes of a lifelong struggle that he has had to battle as he tries to obtain U.S. citizenship (Brian). Brian’s parents were denied return visas to the United States and this caused him to experience culture shock as he was forced to study in Canada and South Korea. Realizing that there were no hopes of return anorexia and depression set in, further complicating his situation. Upon return to the U.S., his family experienced tough economic times as they struggled with low-income status.

Brian also notes that the process entailed in immigration and assimilation into the U.S. includes drastic changes that take a toll on most immigrants, especially economic implications. They also experience tremendous financial burden and language barriers while trying to survive in the new environment. Most immigrants are therefore forced to work in low-status jobs regardless of their qualification in order to fend for themselves and their families. Similarly, due to their lack of understanding about most systems in the country, employers take advantage of their services by providing extremely low wages for jobs done while some experience racism and discrimination (Brian). Most times, parents fail to get opportunities that are worthwhile and capable of sustaining their families. Therefore, they are forced to separate from their children in order to look for greener pastures where are able to raise more income. This forces children to stay long periods without their parents, unlike natural-born children who establish strong bonds with their families.

President Trump’s administration has established and insisted on measures and policies that have been aimed at dealing with the issue of migration at the borders. Trump has personally addressed the concern on several instances where he has also been noted stating “Turn back now, go back home, we will not let you in”. The crowd in response is heard chatting loudly “ build the wall” (Guardian news). Some of the policies and measures have been termed as inconsiderate of the immigrant's conditions and on other conditions, they have been forced to endure long waits under unfavorable living conditions for them to be allowed asylum.  The long wait and the prevailing conditions set by president Trump’s condition have continually made it difficult for immigrants to seek asylum legally.

Among the policies is the zero tolerance policy which seeks to prosecute everyone that tries to cross the United States borders illegally. Similarly, other notable policies that are equally inconsiderate for the asylum-seeking immigrants is the separation of children from their parents, and subsequently, the parents are locked away as the children are taken to be raised in other institutions (Lind). In their defense, the administration states that all immigrants seeking entry into the country ought to do it the right way. That is by presenting themselves to the right authorities at the official port entry points rather than trying to enter the country via checkpoints (Lind). Despite these claims, asylum seekers have experienced hostility from the authorities and officials and have consequently been blocked from making efforts of attaining asylum in the proper/legal manner. Some are utterly denied the chance with claims that there are no more opportunities at the moment. Equally, there are faced with challenges with regard to the requirements that are put in place as a criterion that qualifies them as asylum seekers.

The views and perspectives towards immigrants are largely split among members of society. While some are for the issue there are several others against the issue of immigration. Their opinions regarding the immigration issue are dependent upon the impacts and effects of immigration towards the country, economy and the society/communities. The conflict equally reflects in the national politics as the Republicans are largely against immigration and most Democrats in support of immigration. The President as on several instances been heard accusing democrats as having become a party of caravans and crime. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, nearly 45% of Americans support immigration with claims that immigrants help to better the society, the economy and the country at large (Krogstad). This is through the integration of cultures which enrich the culture of America, for instance, the various healthy and delicious foods from various cultures. Also, these percentage supports immigration due to the economic advantages they have as a result of startup businesses, taxes, and income as well as securing the social security funds.

On the contrary, 37% are against immigration with claims that immigrants worsen the situation of the country. In regard to the partisan divide, 53% of Republicans indicate that immigrants deteriorate the situation of the country. On various issues such as contribution to crime rates and the economy, the society is equally divided with 71% of Republicans indicating higher criminal activities and worsened economy as a result of immigrants as opposed to 34% of Decomacrates with similar claims (Krogstad). Americans are equally concerned about the rate at which immigrant are assimilated into society. That is by learning their language and adopting their cultures. 81% of Republicans as opposed to 66% independents, and 55% democrats feel that most immigrants prefer to maintain their cultures, beliefs, and values rather than get assimilated into the West kind of life.

Change is the only constant thing in life. Therefore in order to effectively address the issue of immigration it,s only appropriate that change is embraced. This change is limited by the threat posed on national security, cultural erosion and the prevailing notion of “us against them”. Nonetheless, the situation is neither going to change in the near future if at all the society continues to be selfish nor self-centered around issues that only refer to their well being. The initiative to social integration is however double-edged as both societies are required to play their part. On one hand, the U.S. citizens ought to be more accommodating and award the immigrants an opportunity without discrimination, racism, and victimization (Laurentsyeva and Venturini)  Recognizing immigrants as part of the society fosters better social cohesion, teamwork, better distribution of resources, and improving on economic implications. Immigrants, on the other hand, ought to build up social capital that is important to the host countries, as well as be willing to accept and practice values, beliefs, and principles of the society.


The issue of immigration has largely been considered a global menace. Immigrants often experience taunting experiences from their original countries which often are the reasons that they leave to seek asylum in other countries. However, the rejection, the long waits as well as measures such as deportation that cause them to return to their countries often worsen their situation and in some instances life threatening especially in countries where there are never-ending wars. The situation can, however, be resolved in more amicable ways that do not require the use of violence such as the zero-tolerance policy or the separation of families, where other measures that are more considerate to the immigrants are employed. Among these is the promotion of the DACA program that was initiated by the former president Barrack Obama, as well as the legalization of the immigrants. These measures help to curb the rising number of illegal immigrants as they will strive to seek legal ways to citizenship. The society equally plays a significant part by promoting social cohesion which entails the integration of immigrants into society.

Works Cited

Binkowski Brooke. Are Immigrants Good for the American Economy? Smithsonian, Accessed 6th Dec 2018

Guardian News. ‘Turn around, go back home’: Trump claims migrants commit more crime the US citizens. The Guardian, 2018,

Min Brian. The privilege of natural-born U.S. citizen. Columbia Spectator, 2016, Accessed 6th Dec 2018

Laurentsyeva Nadzeya and Venturini Alessandra. The Social Integration of Immigrants and the Role of Policy-A literature Review. Intereconomics, 2017, Vol 5, Accessed 6th Dec 2018.

Lind Dara. Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally. Vox, 2018, Accessed 6th Dec 2018.

Krogstad M. Jens. On Views of immigrants, Americans largely split along party lines. Pew Research Center, 2015, Accessed 6th Dec 2018.

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