The Impact of Immigration on the United States

The assertion by Ruben Martinez that ‘immigration is blowing open’ suggests that class, identity, and race in the United States is becoming more diverse as time goes by. According to Martinez, the labor economy in the US is the dominant driving force attracting the immigrants. That labor economy depicts the high class in the United States as opposed to most countries around the globe. Further, the society is gradually changing on ethnic group lines. Apparently, Martinez suggests that the immigrants are not only attracted to large cities in the US but also small ones like North Carolina. In Martinez's eyes, the immigrants find a space in the US labor economy since there are jobs that the high-class natives do not want to be involved in. Such jobs are the ones that require physical effort and labor. With the inclusion of many immigrants in the US, the identity changes as the different races interact and social activities changed and altered such that they suit the needs of different people living in the US.

Nieves asserts that “a growing climate of hostility towards Latinos in the US" has strained race relations in towns across the South” since the cities in the neighborhood have strategically created demand for unskilled labor for meager payments in the global market. Since the demand is high, the cities provide opportunities for religious freedom, economic standing as well as educational benefits. These opportunities appeal to the non-natives who have a hard time securing decent employment despite having high educational qualifications. In fact, it is no surprise to find Latino working for peanuts, yet he has a bachelors but could not get hired. A native with similar qualifications secured employment with no hustle thus the issues of racism still rampant. It is evident that class and race determine the economic well-being of the US population. Since the opportunity to work in the South to work is there in the South, these Latinos have no alternative except to accept the situation until they secure decent employment that will allow them to pursue their dreams. Evidently, the immigrants suffer in the US through discrimination, poverty and denied opportunities but the hope and anticipation for a better future are what keeps them going.

The movie entitled Bodies " Boundaries taught me many things and opened my eyes to some depressing realities that immigrants face. It is difficult to imagine that the love, tenderness, and appreciation I get from my loved ones is not always the case for the immigrants. One surprising and inhumane thing that I saw in the movie is the fact that one could be denied a chance to talk to family and only do that through a fence. It was unimaginable. The second major thing I learned was the realization that Blacks are discriminated when it comes to crime, Muslims issues related to airport security and bobbling while the Mexicans matters to do with border lines.

On watching the video called Crossing the Border Stories, it is evident that the Mexicans have to use a strategy follow specific instructions and pattern to make it to the US without being caught. The primary motivation to go to the US is the higher returns compared to Mexico since what one earns in the US for the day is made in a week in Mexico. The complexity of crossing the border has increased in the recent past because of technological advances like cameras, border patrol, and sensory systems. For better financial gains, the Mexicans continue to risk their lives.

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