The Impact of Immigration on Public Services in the UK

In the past two decades, the number of people who have migrated to the UK has been tremendously rising

with the political instability in the neighbouring nations and continents playing a pivotal role. The present topic is especially significant nowadays as the issue in question greatly affects the economy of the country with the consequences experienced regarding the nation's productivity and quality delivery of social services (Dustmann and Frattini 2014, p. F593). The goal of the research was to determine the trends of migration, but it has since been found that there are even more adverse effects of migration on schools and social care. It is thus recommended that the government should moderate the influx of migrants into the country while ensuring that there is the balance in the UK population and the diversity that the immigrants bring to the nation.


A key finding from the investigation is that the migration process has had a direct effect on the education and administration of children's services, social services, and healthcare services. The increasing number of migrants entering the UK, which placed a considerable claim on the public expenditure on the state education to the absolute terms, significantly affected the demand for school places (George et al. 2011, p. 4). In addition, the reports have indicated that there is the over-subscription of foreign students in the UK educational institutions with most schools being unable to accommodate the extra demands (George et al. 2011, p. 25).

The outcome of the delivery of healthcare services

has also been of significant concern with the results indicating that the immigrants had little impact on healthcare services, but it is expected that the demand will rise in the future. For example, the investigation in Norfolk and Wales focused on forecasting the future trends, based on the available data and determining the migrants' intentions (George et al. 2011, p. 8).

Another dimension in the investigation of the research findings

has been on the effect of migration on the public and private healthcare. Having assessed the patterns of drug use and alcohol consumption, the studies indicated the increased chance that the migrants will suffer from related diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases (George et al. 2011 p, 13). Although there exists a lack of relevant data on the costs determined by such conditions, some studies show that the migration process may result in rising requirements for particular services and even in the demand for the new ones (Hatton 2005). For instance, the findings obtained from the female genital mutilation clinics in the UK proved that the issues related to female circumcision that were not common in the country created the new demands for services (Poppleton et al. 2013, p. 32). It thus underscores the fact that there are associated challenges of the migration of exiles into the UK.

The last critical issue that arises from the increased settlement of migrants in the UK

is the strain on public services with the rise in population, which affects the related services significantly. In addition, the migrants increase the demand for public services (Migration Watch UK 2015, p. 23). Still, it is difficult to identify the precise impact of immigration on the delivery of local public services though it has been established that, theoretically, the migration increased the number of potential users of public services (Full Fact 2015).


It has been noted that the migration of immigrants into the UK has increased over the past two decades affecting adversely social care and health services and placing a strain on the education resources. However, the government and relevant institutions face with the paucity of data on the exact mechanisms obtained from the findings of the research conducted in this area.

The other studies conducted in this area show that the result might be negligible because the immigrants have integrated into the systems seamlessly. Overall, the investigation indicates that the implications are primarily theoretical and the outcomes on the governmental institutions and social services are perceived in a futuristic perspective; thus, it is expected that the demands for the services will increase in the future.

Implications and Recommendations

The study implication infers that the delivery of social care services, health services, and educational needs of the UK residents has been affected adversely with the increased population implying new demands (Hickman et al. 2008). It is thus recommended that the government systems should provide for the moderation on the number of people who enter the country because, from the findings, it is expected that the demands will continue rising (Rienzo and Vargas-Silva 2012). It is advised that the implementation should be done in the way that ensures that the stability is maintained with a focus on embracing the multiculturalism and appreciating the diversity that the immigration brings to the UK (Collier 2014).


Collier, P., 2014. How to fix Britain’s immigration crisis (without leaving Europe). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

Dustmann, C. and Frattini, T., 2014. The fiscal effects of immigration to the UK. Economic Journal, 124(580), pp. F593–F643.

Full Fact, 2015. Impacts of migration on local public services. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

George, A., Meadows, P., Metcalf, H., and Rolfe, H., 2011. Impact of migration on the consumption of education and children’s services and the consumption of health services, social care and social services. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

Hatton, T. J., 2005. Explaining trends in UK immigration. Journal of Population Economics, 18(4), pp. 719–740.

Hickman, M., Crowley, H. and Mai, N., 2008. Immigration and social cohesion in the UK The rhythms and realities of everyday life. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

Migration Watch UK, 2015. Net migration statistics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

Poppleton, S., Hitchcock, K., Lymperopoulou, K., Simmons, J., and Gillespie, R., 2013. Social and public service impacts of international migration at the local level. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

Rienzo, C. and Vargas-Silva, C., 2012. Briefing: Migrants in the UK : an overview. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

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