The Effect of Multiculturalism and Diversity on Theatre Performance

While globalization and changes in social standpoints

While globalization and changes in social standpoints have greatly influence theatre, it is agreed that the two aspects are linked to diversity and multiculturalism. Performance of theatre is a universal cultural phenomenon experienced in every society around the world. The fact that human beings are responsible for the creation of theatre justifies the need to investigate the effect of multiculturalism and diversity on theatre performance. Diversity and multiculturalism plays a vital role in theatre since they explain how people behave and what issues are considered in important in every culture. For example, some cultures take effective communication and building of strong relationships serious compared to others. Such variations bring the need to understand diversity within cultures. Performance of theatre, however, relies on how we effectively communicate our ideas, feelings, and build our relationship with others. Thus, multiculturalism and diversity greatly influence theatre.

Question Two

Theatre is considered one of the best ways to learn our history. It makes history documented in various books be more real through live performances. The evolution of theatre over the years and how it has created a cultural space where the society have been able to examine themselves is an example of why theatre history is fascinating. Today, theatre is described as a laboratory where people study the various challenges affecting the society and how they can be addressed. Moreover, theatre allows us to study the performance traditions of people from different cultures, hence, becoming less ethnocentric and accepting diversity.

Part II

Question Two

The statement that 'theatre is everywhere' is true. Theatre is all about the shared experiences and relationships created through live interactions. From football pitches, wrestling rings, to various podiums, audiences are filled with excitements as they interact with the characters on stage. People communicate even through their acts, mode of dressings, and looks. Audiences find themselves cheering for their characters even at the most quietest moments. An example is when players for a soccer tournament are playing against their rivals. An attempt to score a goal by a top scorer, for instance, will draw the attention of all the supporters and fill them with excitements. Here people have shared experience that is an element of performance of theatre. Areas like fashion and design incorporates theatre. Models cat walking in front of the audience communicates through their dressings, posture, and walking styles. They strengthen their relationship with the audience and, thus, promote theatre.

Question Three

Some of the events that people encounter in daily life are segregation and racism. While people have been enlightened over the need to end racism actions by police officers and other security organs towards the minority groups are still raising concerns. Actors/actress can develop characters that depict the negative effects of racism or segregation and how the vice can be stopped. A good example can be how the police respond to issues affecting the minority groups such as arrest and searches. The activity can provide an opportunity for the audience and the actors/actress to interact and understand the need to end racism behind the scenes. Since actions of police towards the minority group is a serious issue affecting the society today, developing characters and themes around the issue can help in enhancing audience’s understanding of the issue.

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