The Dynamics of Power

The Nature of Power

The capacity to directly or indirectly affect others' actions and behaviors in a specific environment is referred to as power. In different social structures around the globe, the idea of power is viewed in different ways. Power is viewed as a secluded talent in many different cultural contexts, making those who wield it special members of society. In other communities, the aspect of power is connected to egotistical actions taken to further one's own wants, objectives, and interests. According to the social environment in which I was raised, the notion of power has to do with the decisions that a particular leader makes regarding how people live. It is evident that social arrangements usually happen and other occurrences may be beyond human control. For this reason, an individual who is able to take up the role of correcting such social situations and leading individuals into making the right decisions is regarded to possess some form or power.

Misuse of Power

The way power is used determines the kind of social structure that a society conforms to. Indeed, power may be progressive or retrogressive depending on the kind of manifestation that it is subjected to. The misuse of power in our workplaces and society occurs in most cases and such situations tend to be emotionally and physically destructive. For instance, situations such as public humiliation, use of disrespectful language and use of discriminatory comments are some of the examples of misuse of power that makes me feel uncomfortable. Such actions, which may be termed as coercive power, tend to cause emotional distress to the affected victims and thus result to social hatred.

Power Dynamics in the Workplace

Being a school teacher, I encounter with various power dynamics in my workplace, which include coercive power, connection power, expert power, and legitimate power. Coercive power relates to the people who have the authority to punish students and maintain discipline in them. In some cases, such power has been reported to be misused and this may be as a result of the effect of racial factors. Connection power relates to the advantage that one bears depending on the people that someone knows in an organization. For instance, a teacher that intends to be promoted may misuse such power and confront top leaders to get such favor. On the other hand, expert power is based on one's ability and skills towards a particular field. I have witnessed the abuse of expert power in my work place through some teachers who had the skill in a particular field and thus dictated how a curriculum arrangement regarding that field would be conducted. Despite the sensitive use of power by individuals, I have witnessed the positive use of power through a colleague, who is the deputy principal in the school. The teacher inspires me since he does not listen to compromises and acts on a fair basis depending on the school code of conduct.

The Importance of Power

Before understanding the nature and dynamics of power, I used to believe that an exclusive power that is granted to a specific individual is not necessary and thus every individual should have equal authority and power. Well, this concept was based on the notion that people tend to misuse power when granted to them and therefore, we should all exercise equal power to eliminate such situations. For this reason, I would become more critical and intolerant to the people that have been granted authority in the society. Later on, I came to understand that power is an important aspect and it should exist and be manifested in the environment we live in. Indeed, even in classrooms, it is essential for a teacher to indicate positive and guiding power to students in order to provide directions to the students. The lack of power in the society may result in disorder and thus, it is important for the government to exercise power in order to maintain law and order in the society. In conclusion, power can be progressive or destructive and for that reason, any individual with any form of power should use it for the benefit of many through proper leadership and guidance.

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