The Critical Flop of Kate Chopin's Novel, "The Awakening"

There are divergent opinions concerning the success of Kate Chopin’s novel, “The Awakening,” in communicating its dominant theme of women empowerment and their subsequent ability to manage an independent life. While some readers regard Chopin’s novel a success, critics consider it a critical flop because it displays women as unable to maintain independence. Besides, critics have faulted Chopin’s novel for her frank treatment of female marital infidelity. It is acceptable to adopt critics’ viewpoint in the debate based on a succinct analysis of Chopin’s portrayal of Edna’s failure to adjust to her society after her awakening.

Although Chopin perfectly illustrates Edna’s realization of her position in the universe, she doubts her ability to triumph. According to Chopin, the beginning of awakening is always vague and chaotic. It is a tangled and disturbing world. In fact, few individuals emerge from an awakening victorious. Many individuals suffer in an awakening’s state of commotion and confusion. Chopin doubts Edna’s decisions and points to the possibility of losing herself in the maze of inward contemplation. Edna is in solitude and a wander spell that may make her soul perish.

Chopin’s comments attack Edna’s hopes and resolutions to gain independence. It creates the perception that women do not possess the intellectual and emotional resilience to withstand the challenge of an awakening. It is, therefore, justified to regard Chopin’s novel as a critical flop because it demeans Edna’s strength as a woman who resolves to realize her position in the universe. It promotes the disease of independence in which autonomous women are castigated for their standpoints in the society. Although Chopin intended to highlight the awakening through Edna’s struggles, the novel is a critical flop for attacking her ability to be successful in a world where she finds pleasure.

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