The Contributions of Freud and Jung to Psychology

Freud Sigmund and Carl Jung through their theories explained the meaning of psychology. Even though they had some differences they greatly impacted how we view it. For many years Freud and Jung had been in a long personal relationship in which Jung was the junior partner. This was so because Jung used to take a lot of time learning the theories of unconsciousness which were proliferating by Freud.  As a result, he came up with his own way understanding psychology and named it as analytical. Both Freud and Jung brought about the notion of the unconscious mind as a form of understanding dreams.  Although Jung approach was different since he used a subconscious mind in his understanding of dreams. Even though they had a common background their insight of dreams was very different.  For instance, they greatly differed on what shaped the unconscious mind. Therefore this paper will explain the contributions of Jung and Freud, where they agree and also where the theories differ

In Freud mind, he saw the unconscious brain as a compilation of thoughts, images that someone refused to process or even personal experiences which later resulted in the neuroses. However, according to Jung this form of the definition was not sufficient and thus he also indicates that humans have a communal unconsciousness and archetypes that were very familiar with each person. In addition, Jung always emphasized that it was way better to illustrate dreams through the help of a symbolic reference point(“Freud vs Jung - Similarities and Differences,” 2014). But Freud opposed this aspect.

Similarities and Differences

Freud sees dreams as a large area to explore, in the context that it is easier to understand the secret language of a dream on a large perspective than using sexual association in the understanding of dreams. One of the major teachings by Freud was the application of sexual associations in understandings of dreams. Freud signified that dreams were a perfect way of articulating the needs of the unconscious mind of a person. In addition, he explains that when we dream people and objects are seen as a symbol. Freud defines this aspect as the way to the unconscious. According to Grosskurth the thoughts of Freud about psychoanalysis and dreams are greatly recognized (“ The Freud Reader (9780393314038): Sigmund Freud, Peter Gay: Books,” n.d.). This is due to the fact that in therapy they use his way of analysis thus bringing out the term psyche. His way of asking patients for free association concerning the details of how their dreams were is a major technique used by psychoanalysis.

Besides that the way Freud sees dreams has confirmed the fact that dreams can explain or reveal what goes on in a person’s mind. In contradiction to Jung, Sigmund highlighted strongly that it was important to reduce and separate the biological processes from the physical processes. According to Jung dreams were only portrayed on serious issues or things that have really impacted on a person’s life. This is so since the only exist in the unconscious mind of a person. Jung supposed that it a very rare occasion if someone dreamt of things that do not affect him or her or things that are not of significance to him (writepass, 2017). But Freud discards this aspect according to analysis and understandings of dreams.

Freud acknowledges that a little part of mental inability plays a major function in the analysis of dreams, though Freud believes that psychoanalysis can conquer this bias. In regards to this, he proposed a purpose analysis and fact concerning the personality of a person. This opposes the subjective analysis proposed by Carl Jung. In addition, Freud acknowledged that instinct is a case of an illusion. The capacity for understanding a dream without the aid of conscious reasoning is what is referred to as intuition. This further explains that Freud acknowledged the interpretation of dreams through tempting the conscious mind of a person. This characteristic was not acknowledged by Jung since he identified that to successfully interpret dreams you have to know the unconscious mind which is characterized by the experiences of a person.

            There is no essence of tempting the conscious state of an individual during analysis of dreams since it may cause imprecision in the understanding and analysis of dreams. Nevertheless, Freud emphasizes that this is just the biased part in dream interpretation and analysis and thus we should be objective through appealing to the natural consciousness of a person. According to Davis Freud saw humanity negatively and said that humans have very few chances of having a happy life and that they are naturally evil and also lack brotherhood. This belief was very different from what Carl Jung saw of humanity. He believed that most people were able to attain good health. In addition, he also believed that humans have both evil and good characteristics. In regards to this fact, Jung was more positive on the idea of peace and social justice in contrast to Freud.

Jung further opposes Feud declaration concerning unconsciousness and also on the role of sex. According to Jung libido is energy while sex is just a piece of the whole energy being considered. He acknowledges that sex was what was expressing itself in the human body. Jung also opposed feud thoughts on the Oedipus complex. He believed that a child is attached to a mother for the purpose of food while Freud believed that individuals are looked upon as victims of what they experienced as children. He also believed that our past and future ambition shapes who we are.

Even though Jung concurred with Freud’s thoughts on unconsciousness, he disclosed deeper the idea of unconsciousness than Freud. This is evident since he came up with the thoughts of a collective unconsciousness. Jung also saw unconsciousness as being vital and has an important part in the life of a person same as the state of consciousness. Freud completely opposes this aspect and sees it as a case whereby there is an oppression of what a person desires. In addition, Caillois emphasized that Freud saw the dream as being a guarding sleep against irruption of reserved impulses (Robinson, n.d.). But according to Jung, he saw the dreams as a purpose of balancing the limited views concerning the walking ego. This is a reason that does not disagree with the idea of information processing proposition of a dream.

 In addition, Jung clarifies that the main aim of dreams is to communicate with a person and not disguising. Jung acknowledged that dreams were considered as a way of conversing through these images with the purpose of the unconscious mind being transmitting the meaning that is within a person and expressing their association with the collective unconsciousness. He also says that the archetypal symbol acts as an intermediary between the conscious and unconscious state. Bion clarifies that the symbols that form in dreams portray descriptions of an archetypal character (Bion, 2013). Jung further acknowledges that the character of a person is a symbol of the unconscious and conscious mind of an individual. Same as how Freud viewed it, an ego is a symbol of the heart of consciousness. In regards to these facts, we can conclude that the two scholars concur on the important role of the state of unconsciousness and consciousness it acts in the analysis and interpretation of dreams. But the differences originate on the roles of these states and the intensity of their association in the analysis of dreams.


In summary, both Freud and Jung are logical in the way they interpret dreams but have different ways of analysis. Jung refers Freud way of interpreting dreams as free association. In this method, a dreamer has to keenly examine the dormant content in a dream and thus will have a hard time during the process according to the instructions given by Freud. For example, Freud emphasizes that the dreamer should renounce all kinds of criticism of the different ideas he or she might have. However, Jung explains that this way is efficient in determining a person’s wish or internal complexes thus he decides to use philologist method which he says would assist him in understanding what people usually do with their internal complexes. Through this information, he believes people can come up with decisions on what they would like to do with their future.

Both authors clearly concur that dreams have an origin to a certain extent than the conscious mind of a person and that they originate from the unconscious mind of a person. Jung acknowledges that people have both the personal conscious mind and the collective mind while Freud explains that they do have a conscious mind but not in collective form. In addition, Freud would emphasize the events before the dream happens and the analysis of what happened on that day previous to the assessment of the dream.

On the other hand, Jung explains these aspects based on his theories and contend that an individual should consider the things that happen in the dream and either sees it as a warning or advice. According to Freud dreams are a way of wishful contentment and are usually slanted in order for an individual to analyze and find the real meaning of the dream. Freud also sees certain dreams as convenience as they may facilitate one to stay asleep. Opposing this, Jung acknowledges that dreams are not misrepresentations but rather express a different language.

References The Freud Reader (9780393314038): Sigmund Freud, Peter Gay: Books. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2018, from

Bion, W. R. (2013). The Psycho-Analytic Study of Thinking. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 82(2), 301–310.

Freud vs Jung - Similarities and Differences. (2014, February 20). Retrieved November 5, 2018, from


writepass. (2017, February 7). What are the key similarities and differences between Freud and Jung’s theories of dreams? Retrieved November 5, 2018, from

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