Confucianism is a system of ethics devised by the Ancient Chinese scholar K’ung Futzu (Latinized to Confucius). The scholar as well as an educator shaped the ancient Chinese philosophy. The scholar come up with ideologies that have also shaped the political and economic wellbeing of china up to date, although it has transformed overtime, it is still the source of values and the social code of the Chinese. The ideology is sometimes viewed as a religion; other times it is viewed as a philosophy. The reason for it being viewed as a philosophy since it advocates for an all-encompassing way of thinking and living in reference to ancestral line of thinking. It could also be viewed from the perspective of religion since it acknowledges and recognizes that there is a natural being beyond human reach that decides the fate of living in human beings. Much of China’s political and economic history was shaped and is still shaped by Confucianism. The effects of its influence both in the economic and political sector is still felt until now.
Thesis: Although some critics would term Confucianism as an old ideology not applicable in modern day, the values and virtues brought about by Confucianism have had a profound positive effect on the recent economic and political development that China is enjoying.
Confucius ideologies could be analyzed and evaluated to establish how much effect it has on present day China or other Asian countries that followed the ideology. There are six aspects from Confucius ideologies that shape its understanding namely; humanity, virtue, rite, neutrality, education and cultivation. An understanding of the ideologies that Confucians developed through these six aspects would ensure that a proper understanding of the how Confucian ideologies affect present day Confucians. In relation to the six aspects, there are Confucian philosophers such as Mencius who was one of the disciples of Confucius. This paper therefore analyzes the six Confucian as well as the arguments by Mencius with an aim of developing an understanding of how Confucian ideologies have an effect in present day Confucian countries such as China.
Mencius is considered a moral philosopher and political activists who is believed to have been a student of Confucius’s grandson. His main argument that has also seen critics on his neck is his advocacy that service is as important as productivity. In his argument, he claimed that empowering a class of scholar-officials who would not be necessarily directly involved in agriculture, industry or commerce was so vital for the overall well-being of a state. In short his argument was that empowering the state could be achieved not necessarily through agriculture, commerce or industry but through education, that is to mean empowering individuals intellectually (Love 13). To him Confucians would be more useful if they labour with their minds and not necessarily assuming political or production-related roles. He surfaces his argument with is idea of division of labour according to one’s area of specialization. This was one of the arguments that received its fair share of criticism from those whose interests were on agriculture and productivity. Mencius was however not arguing against profit, meaning that he was not against agriculture but felt that cultivating intellectual minds as well as division of labour were equally as important as productivity. His political ideologies also formed part of the reason that the moral philosopher and thinker remains known for his contribution to Confucian ideologies. Mencius advocated that the state which is by extension the people are more important in the politics of a country and hence the people had a say in the rule of a country. In relation to this he argued therefore that any ruler who did not put the interests of the people before his kingly role is unfit to administer rule and should be dismissed and criticized in equal measures. This idea by the philosopher therefore shaped the political arena during those ancient times and since Confucianism is believed to be both a religion and a philosophy, it still remains rooted as key political pillars even in the current Confucian society. On morality, Mencius argued that human beings become moral is they choose to be so meaning that morality lies on the self and not imposed. He acknowledges the role that one’s self plays in determining morality in that person and that contrary to the believe that rulers and the society could impose morality on an individual, he believed that morality is self-driven (Fetzer and Soper 9). Its these ideologies that still shape the organization Confucians up to date which explains the unity, the self-awareness and the morality that is evident in Confucian societies such as China in present day.
The Six Aspects of Confucianism and their Effects on Present day
Humanity is one of the most vital political thoughts brought into the political limelight by Confucius. Confucius appealed that people should be humane that have loving and caring heart for others (Thoma 26). Under this ideology, Confucius highlights on how one should conduct oneself and how he/she should relate with others. He recognizes respect, honesty, modesty, lenience and mutual favor between people as the key pillars of humanity. Under this aspect also, an ideology of faithfulness and forgiveness is advocated for in order for individuals to attain humanity. In order to ensure humanity prevails therefore, individuals should ensure that forgiveness and faithfulness remain their guiding principles in life. Confucius summarizes his ideology on the aspect of humanity by regarding humanity as the most vital principle, standard and mode of conducting oneself and as a key pillar in developing human relationships. An application of this ideology will explain why there is peaceful co-existence in Confucian countries such as China and why humanity is prevailing in such countries. China has over the recent past been enjoying economic prosperity because of the unity and the peaceful co-existence that is evidently present in the nation.
In relation to virtue, Confucius advocates for rulers to practice virtuous governing meaning that they should rule by virtue. He argues that if people are led by virtue and rules left to govern the people, then good governing can be realized. His advocacy was on a humanitarian rule and was against the use of tyranny to impose rule. Confucius advocated for proper and fair utilization of resources, reducing tax collection, employment, cultivation of morality in governing as well as imposing rule that is fair and considerate of the people. By encouraging virtuous governing, Confucius was able to develop a political ideology suitable for both political and economic prosperity. A practice of virtue in governing in Confucian countries in present day have helped these countries avoid political conflicts and animosity between its citizens. A virtuous governing not only ensures political prosperity but also as a result of the peaceful co-existence brought about by virtuous governing, economic activity booms. An application of virtuous governing therefore in present day is vital especially in the current society of corrupt politicians and rulers which as costed countries not only of political development but also economic development since politics and economics work hand in hand. Confucius’s ideology on virtuous governing therefore has profound effect on both the political and economic developments of a country (Hoobler and Hoobler 12).
One other aspect that Confucianism highlights is the aspect of neutrality. This is an ideology that is based on fact that situations in life often come in two extremes, one has to therefore learn how to strike a balance between the two extremes in a way that both sides of the situation are addressed. According to Confucius, this is a strategy that governments and the political class ought to apply in the running of their countries respectively. According to the ideology there should not be excessiveness or falling short in handling situations that is to say that if provided with two contrasting situations one should provide equal resources and effort in handling these situations without foregoing one at the expense of the other. This ideology applies to the political or the ruling class which is expected to equally strike a balance in their rule and offer administration without favor of one party or community. Neutrality as an aspect therefore advocates for equality. An application of this aspect to the current society where there is a lot of inequalities based on race, gender and color would be effective. This is why countries such as China and other Confucian countries such as Japan and Korea are enjoying prosperity since their Confucian foundation well equipped them with aspects of neutrality that have enabled them achieve equality which is fundamental for the overall well-being of a country.
Education is one of the other aspects that Confucius acknowledges to be having a big role in the overall well-being of a nation. The ideology behind this aspect is that apart from productivity of a country being based on agriculture, industry and commerce, the human resource factor can also be developed. This could be achieved to education which not only develops the intellectual capacity of the person but also encourages a scholarly approach to handling the issues that are being faced in the society. Confucius advocates for education without distinction, meaning education without discrimination. He also advocates for education in accordance to an individual ability which leads to specialization and division of labour. People who are educated according to Confucius are more productive both economically and politically. It should therefore be the mandate of each and every government to ensure education of its citizens is not only available but effective in teaching according to one’s individual abilities and talents. In present day, this ideology has had a profound effect as some of the ideas from this concept are being borrowed and still implemented in Confucian states. The education system of countries such as China have shifted focus from the education for intellectual development to education to develop abilities and talents which explains why their system is offers much of vocational training on its subjects. This ideology has enabled the countries to industrialize and explains why China is rising to threaten the United States as a superpower and already this has been felt in sectors such as infrastructural development where China has taken over especially in African countries.
Lastly, cultivation of morality forms part of the six aspects that act as pillars of Confucianism. Cultivation of morality means enhancing consciousness and humanity as well as virtue in individuals so as to encourage morality which is essential for the overall well-being of not only an individual but of an entire state. Confucius advocated for the cultivation of morality beginning from an individual level, by so doing he stipulates that a conducive environment necessary for both economic and political development is created. Lack of morality is what has costed some many countries their dignity and reputation. Confucian countries however seem to have borrowed this ideology and it is the reason why it does not encourage acts of immorality such as corruption or illegal drug trafficking which explains why they have initiated strict penalties on individuals found guilty of engaging in acts of immorality.
In a nutshell therefore, on the basis of the above stipulated evidences, it is evident that Confucianism is still rooted in present day and its ideologies still have a profound effect in both the economic and political landscape of countries especially those with Confucian roots.
Works Cited
Fetzer, Joel S, and J C. Soper. Confucianism, Democratization, and Human Rights in Taiwan. Lexington Books, 2013.
Hoobler, Dorothy, and Thomas Hoobler. Confucianism. Chelsea House Publishers, 2009.
Love, Jamie C. The Effects of Neo-Confucianism on South Korean Speculative Fiction in the Context of the Humanities. 2009.
Thoma, Dominik. Moltke Meets Confucius: The Possibility of Mission Command in China. Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag, 2016.