The Concept of Social Support

Working in care homes: One of the happiest moments of my life was receiving my niece. When my sister indicated that her pregnancy was almost coming to an end, members of my family started telling me that I have to realize that I am now an adult. My mother explained how I now had to behave like a grown-up and set a good example to the next generation. I was also excited about my sister’s child. I started imagining how I would support the child and teach them some of the key things in life.  However, the transition from being the youngest members of the family to having other people looking up to me also seemed challenging.

Looking after my niece: I took some time to work in care homes. I observed how old people feel sad about their status. However, I also met some jovial ones who used to narrate their experiences to me while at my age. I learnt that people from the older generation have made us who we are today. The social support system is made in a manner that there is mutuality between the generations. The older generations look after the younger ones, then there comes the turn of the younger one to take care of the older ones. Social support is key in helping us connect with the environment at all stages of our lives.


Looking after my niece: One of the things that I was happy to teach my niece is helping her identify what was good for her and what was bad. I later came to learn that this aspect falls under the concept of body boundaries. I taught my niece about setting her own rules about what kind of physical interactions and are good to her. I also helped her gain courage to communicate what she considers as non-pleasurable to those around her. For instance, one my aunts liked kissing her on both cheeks and her forehead whenever they met. I felt that my niece was uncomfortable with this type of salutation. At one time, she told my aunt that she liked being kissed only once at the forehead. Training children on body boundaries helps them define themselves. They become more aware about their thoughts and how they want to be treated by others (Grogan 3). My niece also developed a cleared picture of her own needs and ow to communicate about them to individuals around her.

Working in care homes: The concept of social support came in at this point. I came to reflect about my own upbringing. Right from a young age, I came to learn that the people who were around me cared for me. Most of the things that I enjoy right now were learnt from older members of the family. My parents, siblings and members of the extended family supported in play, learning how to perform basic duties and in education. The society supported me when I was young and it was now my turn to support the older generation. Though I was not cognisant with the concept of social support from the academic perspective, I understood its practical part. Older members of the society have a responsibility of taking of the young ones and vice versa. This responsibility is collective and should not be left to the immediate relatives alone (Cornwell and Waite 32). This motivated me into taking a more active role in supporting the elderly. It was sad to see how the people lose touch with the environment through loss of memory and inability to move around efficiently. I helped from a link between her and the natural environment.


Cornwell, E. Y., " Waite, L. J. (2009). Social disconnectedness, perceived isolation, and health among older adults. Journal of health and social behavior, 50(1), 31-48.

Grogan, S. (2016). Body image: Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women and children. Taylor " Francis.

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