The Clash of Civilization

The author of the article “The Clash of Civilization” argues on the matter of civilization in which he compares civilization based on events that happened in the past. Though today’s culture may defer from what happened in the past the truth of the matter is that westernization and education have made people craft a new way of referring to civilization. Though in his way of pointing out on the road history has played a significant role on culture and globalization where it all started because there was a need for more power by the west, where they meet resistance mainly from the east as they stood with their religion and could not allow the west to absorb them. One of the main points the author tries to point out is viewing of civilization based on the root, trying to group individuals based on religion, culture, originality as these are some of the factors that cause people to take sides based on which team has a lot of qualities. This treatise will look into the authors’ arguments on the clash of civilization.

The author points out that the next pattern of conflict will be different from the one that was experienced in the last one and a half century, ago as this will be a conflict based on smaller division such as cultural conflicts[1]. These are because despite most people being educated and allowing westernization to take dominion, they are not thoroughly westernized they still have their culture and beliefs that they continue to follow as guidance in life. The religion and opinions differ from one group of people to the other, and it is what individuals use to identify themselves. So unlike the other wars of the world which were based on the expansion of economic the new world war will be a cultural war as it is now due to the economic war the western caused the division in the modern world. That is why today there is the west and the non-western civilization[2].    

When looking into nature of civilization the author compared how the world was divided during the era of the cold war where there was first, second and third societies, which is irrelevant today as countries are defined based on their culture and level of civilization. People describe themselves based on these two factors. Though civilization individuals of a different religion can merge and reason in one accord and create a great nation with powerful principles and this is one of the things that make the western embrace and support civilization as through it they can dominate and remain relevant[3].

However, the author also gives reasons as to why civilization will clash, one of his points is in future civilization identity will become more critical in future. Therefore, there will be a need for a merger between the world great civilizations which are western, Confucian Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-orthodox, and Latin American and to some extent African civilization[4]. The need for the merger will be to create one vast world that has one accord and understanding, but it will be impossible as all these advanced civilizations differ historically, language, culture, beliefs among other things which have deeper roots of the past and that is what will cause the clash of civilization. Another aspect is the fact that western has created the nation to be viewed based on their economic growth which has caused other countries to be considered to be in insignificant and also it is the most powerful globally[5] which has caused the non-western nations to merge and form a coalition, resulting to chaos based on religion. Which has caused governments to give support to countries that share the same beliefs in worship and this is what has created a significant division of civilization and strengthen non-western cultures[6].

Also, there are the fault lines between civilizations which according to the author are replacing political and ideological boundaries that were formed during the cold war. This change is based on religion between Islamic, and Christianity which were built during the time of the Iron curtain. Civilization is now divided based on the ideology of religion nation recognizing and giving support to countries that share the same religion as them and also fighting against a country that struggles those with the same belief in religion. These become evident as in 1993  Pope John Paul II gave a speech speaking against Sudan’s Islamic act of attacking the minority who were Christians[7].

In the authors view the kin-country syndrome, which is a state of belonging to a civilization that has become engaged in a war, and therefore it has to be given support. This kind of culture has been witnessed throughout in history among nations and communities, but it has become more defined in the new world as people have become civilized and they know who to rely on without being betrayed. These have become evidence of the war between Saddam Hussein and the western as some nations openly joined him and gave him support which is a clear indication of Kin-country syndrome[8]. This country supported him because he publicly stated that he was fighting for the rights of the Islamic religion and their freedom from the western oppression. The war also made the non-western countries to start enhancing their weapon of war thus trading among themselves.

Due to all the differences in religion and civilization, the author foresees, of a situation where it will be the west versus the rest. Whereby he points out that the west is at the top regarding power based on civilization compared to other nations[9]. These are because it has the most potent military force which possesses as a threat to other countries especially the non-western. It has control of everything globally, and it makes global laws through institutions that favor it, and that is why the non-western countries are against it[10].

Therefore, the author points out that civilization will bring about the tone countries based on some people with a different culture[11]. Civilized nations will want to merge with countries with similar civilization such as Mexico and North America. Altogether the Confucian-Islamic is also a significant threat to western as they are blending and forming stronger military to gain power just like the west. They are working together to create weapons which are stronger like those of the direction to threaten the west interest in them[12]. Lastly, the author looks at the west implication, which is merely on the fact that it caused today's division of civilization. Therefore, it has the mandate to be alert on what is happening in every culture and to be in charge to avoid an eruption of another world war which will be more dangerous based on the fact that even the non-western nations have developed hazardous weapons and increased their military.

In conclusion, the clash of civilization will be caused by cultural and cultural factors. It is because individuals have become civilized and can choose which group they belong to or religion. One of the most significant factors that will cause the clash is division based on faith and beliefs as it is what has created there to be the west and non-west civilization, thus causing there to be the conflict of interest and civilized nations looking after their own based on religious beliefs.




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