The Christian Tradition and the Development of Byzantine Art

Late Antiquity

Late antiquity was a period of transition, and it was characterized by political climates that were constantly changing, thereby causing shifting tastes in the standards of the society. This period presents a range of artwork which exhibits both a narrative storyline and symbolic imagery, presented as early Christian motifs.

There are pieces of art that represent the storyline of how some of the norms of the early Christian church came to be. One such art is Baptistery, Dura Europos, a late antique art from the world's oldest church. Up to date, Christians practice baptism as a norm, without which one is not considered a true Christian. The baptistery was captured as a separate structure away from the main church where Christians were baptized. It represents the storyline of how baptism came to be and how it was recommended for practice by all Christians (Davis 20).

Artwork of the Synagogue of Beth Alpha

On the other hand, artwork such as the synagogue of Beth Alpha is a symbolic representation or a depiction of the early place of worship. The same way the artwork looks is the same way most churches of the early times were built. The artwork uses symbolism to portray religious meaning.

The Influence of the Christian Tradition in Byzantine Art

Question 2

The Christian tradition played a major role in developing the history of Byzantine art. It was used in different periods and contexts. In the early Byzantine period, when emperor Constantine adopted Christianity, it flourished, causing a major effect on the kind of art that was created across the empire. This is the time when the earliest churches were built, and the artwork shifted to the religious context, representing religious structures and men.

The Christian tradition influenced the art of decorations for the interior church, mosaics, as well as icons. In the middle Byzantine period, there was a great controversy in religious art because it was considered idolatrous. However, changes in the empire encouraged a new wave of Byzantine art around this time (Hilsdale 10).

Works Cited

Davis, Stephen J. The Early Coptic Papacy: The Egyptian Church and Its Leadership in Late Antiquity: The Popes of Egypt. American University in Cairo Press, 2017.

Hilsdale, Cecily J. Byzantine art and diplomacy in an age of decline. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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