The Birth of My Child

I recall with clarity in mind the day that entirely turned around my life. Finally, the moment that I had dreaded for long got up with me. I couldn’t help but release my emotions to roam my mind. My armpits soaked my shirts as my heart palpitates vigorously as if it would burst any minute. I was overly anxious, scared of what could possibly be the outcome. I was overwhelmed by the thought of an imminent event that was about to change my life. It was my time to receive my son. Oh what an unimaginable blessing from God!

            As I set my eyes on my son drops of tears rolled down my chicks as mixed emotions reverberated in my small brain. The joy of welcoming a first born child lightens my heart while the bitter reality of responsibility and uncertain source of livelihood for my new family hit me right in the face fighting to overcome and trample my happiness.

            I had just finished my university education and was going through difficult situation since jobs were hardly found because of the high rate of unemployment in the country. Life was that of living from hand to mouth. In the midst of the unforgiving challenges, there comes my baby.

            It was at this point in time that bid bye to complacency, laziness and pessimistic thoughts. Life business became unusual. It was time to fend for the boy as I would rather die than have my blessing inherit my problems. The aggressiveness that ensued landed me opened doors that earlier seemed padlocked forever. How the birth of my child inculcated responsibility and shut the glaring mouth of poverty in my life is one occurrence I cannot forget.

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