The Autonomy of the Will

In the year 1724-1804, Immanuel Kant argued that moral idea is based on the logic (Kant, 2). He stated that a moral is an example of categorical imperative (CI) as it respects the condition required in the CI. On the other hand, immorality is termed as irrational as it violates CI. Many philosophers such as Hobbes and Locke argued that morality depends on the standards of logic. Kant did not try to prove them wrong. Instead, he agreed with many of other philosophers who came after him in the argument that a logic agent must comply with the instrumental principle as analyzed by practical reasoning.

    According to Kant, he believed that moral philosophy is based on the concept of reasoning (Kant, 3). The act of self-reasoning by an individual that made Kant thinks that it is an opportunity to understand that we all deserve equal respect. Talking of deontology, Kant believed that someone action could only be categorized as bad or good. For this matter, one’s actions can only be judged after it has occurred.

1. What are the supreme moral principles according to Kant?

    Kant believed that moral principles could be distinguished into two supreme tenets which are categorical imperative (CI) and hypothetical imperative. Morality is said to an example of categorical imperative when it respects the law of CI. On the other hand, immorality fall under hypothetical imperatives as it goes against categorical imperatives

2. What does Kant mean by the ideas of goodwill and moral duty?

    The idea of a good will is defined by Immanuel Kant as the state whose one’s decision is motivated by the moral law (Kant, 8). Under deontology, the action is judged at the end of it. An act is ruled on whether it has respected the moral or moral hence being considered to be good or bad.

    On the other hand, moral duty refers to an obligation which one is ought to perform but not legally bounded to fulfill. Kant explains this by saying that, some of our action should be derived by just an observation.

3. What is a categorical imperative?

    According to Immanuel Kant, he defines categorical imperatives as a moral law that is unconditional or absolute for all agents, the validity or claim which does not depend on any ulterior motive or end (Kant, 5). When it comes to the categorical imperative, the first formulation states that we should treat other people as intrinsically valuable. This is so because human is regarded to be more valuable than any object. A human is irreplaceable while an object can be replaced at any course of time. On the other hand, this formulation states that human has dignity. This is proven by the state that people can make best choices concerning their decision making process and setting of the goals. The second formulation states that when one considers doing something he/she should first consider the morals that were set to adhere to it. 

    The third formulation is the kingdom of ends formulation. This formulation has however received a lot of attention as it seems to have introduced social dimensions to Kant’s theory. Kant tries to explain this formulation by suggesting that people should stop considering themselves as unique but as ends. We happen to do our best to create a possible kingdom of ends. The fourth formulation, we have the formula for autonomy. In this, Kant claims that the wording lays out the purpose act on categorical imperative. Through this, it is expected to be universal and be able to make laws,

4. What is the difference between a categorical imperative and a hypothetical imperative?

     When comparing the difference between categorical and hypothetical imperative, the state of conditional and unconditional comes in. Hypothetical imperative falls under a conditional country where, according to Immanuel Kant, it can be defined as an act which is contingent on someone having a precise aim. For example; keywords such as “ought to” and “should” are commonly used to connect them the command.

    Talking of categorical imperative, this, on the other hand, fall under an actual state where it is defined as that applies to someone regardless of their aims or desire all in virtue of being the logical agent. For example; you should never lie. Under categorical imperative, we have different forms that fall under it; these forms are such as; Universal law formulation and Humanity formulation.

5. What is meant by the expression “the autonomy of the will”?   

    The term autonomy was generated from the Greek words ‘autos’ and nomos that means self and law (Pelegrinis, 10). In a definition, the term autonomy is defined as the situation where people are bound by rules of their own making. People can be said to be entirely autonomous if the action is done their own and said to have morality. According to Kant, he believed that for a moral to term as mature, there is a need for acceptance for autonomy. Autonomy of the will is meant to express the willingness of someone to do an action that is with the accordance to their own made laws. Autonomy is considered to be somehow treated as a kind of sovereignty. This is so because, the autonomous agent is compared to a political sovereign who is not subjected to outside power but someone who can make laws (Andrews, 5).

6. Why do you think she believes this? Do you agree? Why or why not?

    Kant ideas are dismissed arguing that there is no difference between the appearance of the world and it as stated by Kant. For this case, humans are expected to be able to know more about their surrounding as reality is placed in front of them and they must pursue the taking of fact. Rand’s believes that rationality is our defining traits as it enables humans to take the materials given to them and process it in a manner that we can understand it.

    America is the living refutation of the Kantian universe because Americans do things as per their own beliefs. They take what is presented to them and utilize them by coming up with something that is understandable by people. They don’t respect the moral that is used to guide every person in the world. As quoted by Rand, the human does pursue their interest in something for them to become real potential (Rand’s, 19). This compared to Americans is correct as each student tend to seek his/her interest through education till when he/she can achieve true potentials.

    I agree. This is because, for life to be bearable we need to pursue what we are capable of doing and unleash our true nature. Through triggering our capability and doing what we are perfect with, we will be able to make the world a more excellent place to live.

Works Cited

Ayn Rand’s (2014). Novel Atlas Shrugged. Publisher, Dana Andreicut.

Kant, Immanuel (1993) [1785]. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Translated by Ellington, James    W. (3rd ed.). Hackett.

T. N. Pelegrinis, Kant's Conceptions of the Categorical Imperative and the Will (1980).

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