The Analysis of Street Prostitution

Prostitution Examined from a Different Perspective

Prostitution examined from a different perspective in the human life pinpoints to different interpretation based on the social norms. Prostitution since the memorial it has been classified as one of the sexual immorality that people participates in to satisfy their sexual desires. Different organization in their perspective view prostitution as the exploitation or real violence against the women in the society. This paper examines in details the aspect of prostitution giving the definition and examining the harms generated by street prostitution.

The Definition of Prostitution

Prostitution is the practice or the business of taking part in the sexual activities with the benefits of getting payments. Other definitions of prostitution are the transfer of money from one person to the next in favors of sex. Also, prostitution is viewed as the victimless crime because it is not harming others. The element that is portrayed in the prostitution such as the exchange of money is what makes it be viewed as a criminal offense. In the United States, different state permits prostitution activities while another do not allow the practice of prostitution (Schmalleger, 2015).

The Harms of Street Prostitution

Different distinct problems are linked to the practice of prostitution in the community. In the society there are different types of prostitution that take place. One of the categories of prostitution is the street prostitution whereby the prostitute looks for customers while waiting from the desired street corners. The prostitutes dress in provocative clothes merely with no much consideration of the weather condition. There are different harms that come about as a result of participating in street prostitution. Prostitution is gendered survival method that calls upon the individuals in practice to unreasonable risks. One of the commons risks of street prostitution is sexual harassment to the prostitute. In this regard, most of the women are exposed to violence from their customers who are the male as well as the harassment from the society protesters in addition to criminalization through different legal acts. The next risk of street prostitution is the rape without a condom or rape itself. Some of the prostitutes are rape by the customers with a quite good number of them do not use condoms which makes them get diseases such as HIV AIDS. The next risk of street prostitution is the physical assault, domestic violence, and the psychological sequelae. The mental sequelae that the prostitute undergoes comprise of depression, eating disorders, suicide, dissociative as well as the substance abuse. Most of the prostitutes face domestic violence majorly from their client who may refuse to pay for the services and turn to fighting. Some of the local intensity that women are exposed to comprise of kicking, robbery, slapping, treating with weapons, beating, forced anal sex, strangulation, and kidnapping. As a result of fighting, most of the prostitutes left with physical injuries on their bodies such as the broken bones, black eyes and the bruises. Despite the payments given to the women, sexual assault dominates the experience of the women. Psychological problems are projected by the emotional and physical harm experienced. The social prejudices and damage put prostitutes at the highest risks in their lives (Schmalleger, 2015).


In summary, many women are participating in prostitution across the United States. Prostitution acts are fueled by some factors in the society such as lack of employment among others. Street prostitution has different linked problems such as domestic violence and harassment among other aspects.


Schmalleger, F. (2015). Criminology today : an integrative introduction. Boston: Pearson.

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