The American Criminal Justice System and the Rise of Serial Killers

The Rise of Serial Killers and Flaws in the Criminal Justice System

The social institutions have established a scenario where the public shiver upon the idea of death as it is a terrifying experience for many. Documentaries such as “Making A Murderer” and “Forensic Files” have elaborated on the killing schemes and describe the techniques that murders specialize. Thus, it is common to hear of death nevertheless with serial killers being a subject of concern from the skillful way they execute their exploits and horrific crimes without being caught. The common understanding is that before one is described as a serial killer, there are chances that they have engaged in criminal activities related to homicide and murder for so long while the forces of the law have not been able to catch up with them. The weak systems in the criminal justice system and increased intelligence to avoid getting caught serve a significant role in the success of a serial killer’s exploits and ensures that they are not caught easily despite the advances in technology.

Flaws in the American Criminal Justice System

The flaws of the Americans Criminal Justice System have played a significant role in the rise and success of serial killing incidences. The understanding of the elusive nature of serial killer is made with reference to the Adnan Syed case file titled Serial that is an account of a true story of a 15-year narration of serial killing. Having been downloaded over 60 million times, Serial is arguably the most famous podcast on the internet and in the whole world (Stubbs, 2017). The narration gives an account of how the jury fails to consider the alibi when in reality it is almost always existing in every case. Alibi constitutes a piece of evidence that is often located in a different place to that which the criminal offense had occurred. It is a credible revelation that the American CJS did not receive the Alibi that Adnan had when a classmate of Adnan was him at the library the moment the murder is thought to have happened at Best Guy parking. It is showed later that the alibi came in a letter that was tucked away in the file. Asia, the woman who saw Adnan at the library, explains in the letter that she was there as a way of proving his innocence and when Adnan’s defense lawyer requested for the video from the library, the evidence disappeared. It follows that the US CJS is facing a huge problem of the loss or unavailability of crucial evidence that can be used to compile a case involving serial killers (Stubbs, 2017).

Mischievous Acts in the Criminal Justice System

Mischievous acts in the criminal justice have also been identified to have contributed to the rise in the number of cases involving serial criminal getting away with murder charges. It is common to find that lawyers joke with the system and some even attend court proceeding when they are not sober. In other cases, it has been reported that lawyers even fall asleep as court proceeding are underway when they are on trial for their very lives. An example of such a scenario was when the state of Georgia executed Robert Hosley and instead Andy Price who was his lawyer turned up drunk every day during Hosley’s trial process. The lawyer later admitted that he should not have been tasked with the role of representing anyone in any case because he was aware of his weaknesses. Other flaws in the system have been related to public defender systems being in states that they are underfunded and cannot contribute much to the efficacy of a case process. The outcome is that the criminal killer gets away with an offense because the responsible stakeholders do not have the money needed to carry out an effective counsel. The eventual outcome is that such parties face life sentences or other worse charges for offenses that they would otherwise not have faced (Stubbs, 2017).

Notable Serial Killers Who Have Never Been Caught

The trend in the CJS has since proved that there are notable serial killers who have never been caught since they started their heinous crimes. One of the most feared killer in the 1960s and 1970 was the Zodian who is said to have been accused of five murders. However, reports indicate that it is likely that the murderer has committed over 37 killings in total. His elusive strategy is from the understanding that he uses taunting and coded letters that are then sent to the press. The other theory surrounding his successful murder exploits affirms that he has been in the military and is likely to have been using the skills gained in the military to carry out criminal offenses. The other threat to humanity over the years has been the criminal Doodley also called the Black Doodler. He is believed to have been responsible for over 17 murders and further engaged in three different assaults of men in San Francisco against a group of gay mean. His strategy of killing is that he would lure the victims to secluded areas where he would sketch them, an act that led to his nickname (Kelley, 2017). He would later have sex with the victims and later stab them. Lastly, it is also worth describing the Original Night Stalker who was a media epithet who worked for an unidentified serial killer. The serial killer worker with another who was also a rapist who plied his exploits in Northern California sometime between 1979 to 1986. He is described as a murderer who was tactical and calculating in the way he made his killings. Reports indicate that he was fond of wearing gloves and did not leave any fingerprints whenever he committed crimes. Success in his endeavors was also favored by the fact that he had resolved that his car would never be packed near the crime scenes and so his number plate would never be knowingly written by the police (Kelley, 2017).

The Intelligence of Serial Killers

Finally, it is worth examining the intelligence of serial killer that makes them had to catch despite the advances in communication and surveillance system from the technological improvements. The primary technique used by a majority of the serial killer is that they clean up the site using oxygen bleach. It is agreed that the greatest challenge for an investigator is walking up to a crime site only to find that the organized killer used oxygen bleach. The powerful substance works unlike other cleaning products and have once been used to clean blood stains. The killers understand that the agent has the capability of preventing traces of hemoglobin cells from being identified at a crime scene. The other technique that is commonly exploited by criminal gangs in serial killing exploits is the cutting of the victim’s body parts. The murders understand that there work often involves getting dirty and often opt to put on latex gloves as a precaution to avoid leaving fingerprints and skins cells on the site (Flore, 2017). They then opt to butcher the target and distribute the body parts t distant places within the city or town. Another skill that is apparent in the process of disposing the body because it has been described that they use suitcases rather than plastic bag so that the body’s sink faster in the deep waters. Lastly, another alternative intelligent and smart move by serial killer to avoid execution is that they stick to the original story because it is common for such individuals to demonstrate anti-social disorders. When they are brought to the chamber for questioning, it is common to find that they stand their ground and do not allow deviations to occur in the process of narrating a story. The principle is that any deviation in the description is highly likely to cause them to be suspected of being the killer nd they avoid it at all costs (Flore, 2017).


In summary, the paper has explored the subject of serial killers by covering the techniques used by criminal killers and the common murderers in history who have evaded prosecution. The most significant outcome of the assessment, however, is the understanding that the US criminal justice system favors the activity of criminal killers thought he careless handling of evidence and presenting lawyers who are not up to the task. The results of the investigation thus call for the need for urgent interventions to protect humanity through ensuring that there is strict adherence to the rule of law and adequate funding to enhance the investigation processes.

Works Cited

Flore, J. (2017). Here are the terrifying ways serial killers avoid getting caught. Mental Daily. Retrieved from

Kelley, L. (2017). The Scariest Serial Killers Who Were Never Caught. Rebel Circus. Retrieved from

Stubbs, C. (2017). Serial and What It Says About America’s Criminal Justice System. American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation. Retrieved from

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