Synthetic Prepositions: Beyond Reasonable Doubt

I as well enjoyed chatting with you at the cafeteria about HPS100 course. The three concepts that make it impossible for us to have absolute certainty in sciences include sensations problems; lack of a guarantee that whatever our sensory nerves convey is what we exactly picture when we look at something. It is difficult to distinguish between what is in our human mind and what is in the world since our brains consist of emotions, feelings thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. Individuals’ senses are often not trustworthy; hence we cannot say that out sensations are objective.

The problem of induction

The second one is the problem of induction stating that no matter how many times we confirm a concept through observation, the generalization remains fallible. As long as we cannot prove that our deductions are beyond reasonable doubt, generalization becomes a challenge, since the experience that shapes our inductions is ever limited.

The problem of theory-ladenness

The third is the problem of theory-ladenness, which explains that any observations made have ties to a given accepted theory. With theory-ladenness, every statement, whether it is a factor cannot be pure on its own. Instead, it has its foundation or attachment to a given theory assumption regardless of whether the theory is articulated or not. According to Barseghyan, Overgaard and Rupik, these three issues form the basis of synthetic prepositions being beyond reasonable doubt.

The information on KAN+ Noumena App

I have also had a chance to read the information on the link you sent me about KAN+ Noumena App, and that information caught my attention since it relates to my current course. Despite the application being in the beta phase, from the details given, it raises flags on the reliability of the app. Being in its current status shows that it is not final and approved of any bugs in the market. It is still in the experimentation phase, and there are issues about the app worth looking at. Since there is no approved field use of the application, it is hard to ascertain its absolutism. One of the details that make me question the reliability of the app is that it assures one of the complete and accurate measurements, theory-free data and facts. It is illogical to provide points to the working of a concept without a theory behind it.

The Noumena App and synthetic prepositions

The Noumena App works under the basis of synthetic prepositions since it is not just deducible from definitions; hence, they can contradict results from experiments and observations made. KAN+ claims that the app does away with the problem of subjection to human theories. Therefore, it is independent of theories that try to explain or describe it. The software is a synthetic proposition, its results and users can work in one individual differently from how it works in another environment. Such behavior needs a theory to explain it; therefore, it cannot do away with explanations by personal theories. This point means that the Noumena app works independently of empirical arguments that work towards explaining how such apps work. Hence, the software goes against the concept of synthetic prepositions being fallible.

Works Cited


Barseghyan, Hakob, Nicholas Overgaard, and Gregory Rupik. “Absolute Knowledge.” In Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science. Hakobsandbox.Openetext.Utoronto.Ca, 2018, Accessed 7 Nov. 2018.

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