Sustainability of Guadalupe

Guadalupe: A Sustainable Restaurant

Guadalupe is a restaurant that deals with first food. It has maintained its reputation of producing fresh, handmade burritos that always attracts many students and other individuals who visit the Maggie Benson Centre. Guadalupe is located within the proximity reach of students hence it serves as an essential place where they can quickly access fast food. The restaurant has a distinct market structure that I believe would necessitate it sustainability for the coming years despite the emergence of new businesses. The competitors try to offer similar fast foods thus disrupting the monopolistic aspect of Guadalupe. However, the owner of the restaurant is quite an impressive entrepreneur since he has devised articulate methods that facilitate maintenance of competitive advantage. I believe the firm can sustain itself for the next two years before the market takes a new turn. The factors necessitating its sustenance includes the provision of quality and healthy foods, proper management of on and off season and use of social media to expand its market.

Provision of Quality and Healthy Foods

Firstly, Guadalupe is widely known for the provision of quality, healthy foods. The firm is located on campus; therefore, its primary target customers are students and the college staffs who are always busy with daily schedules. Guadalupe ensures that the consumers are served with foods of their preference in the fasted way possible. Indeed, this grants the customers an opportunity to enjoy their meals despite being on busy schedules. The enterprise does not attract its customers only with fast foods but also of its high quality. Students always enjoys looking at Guadalupe's menu since it is customized with delicious affordable foods made depending on one's desire. For instance, the bowls, tacos, and burritos are prepared based on the customer's desire including the incorporated ingredients. It is indeed imperative to note that no complains have ever been raised against the company. The persistent provision of quality healthy food has enabled Guadalupe to maintain its reputation.

Management of On and Off Seasons

Secondly, the business accordingly manages on and off seasons. Guadalupe emphasis on quality service provision. Smith, the business owner, acknowledges that offering quality foods does not guarantee success. Hence, encourages his employees to provide excellent services to the buyers. Following the superb interaction between workers and customers, a human touch that many consumers aspire is established. Therefore, majority becomes loyal customers. During pick season the restaurant always has an adequate number to serve which attracts more profits. It also ensures that stocks of all foods are available for the customers to enjoy the varieties and all times. In essence, this provides that during the on season the firm has adequate customers. Even during the off-peak period, Guadalupe has its loyal customers from the surrounding who appreciates its food following the excellent services offered. Undoubtedly, this facilitates the sustainability of firm in the coming years.

Use of Social Media for Promotion

Lastly, the firm has adopted the use of social media to promote the food. Following the recent witnessed upcoming competition, Guadalupe has embraced social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, the Simon Fraser University dining services and Yelp to aid in marketing the foods it offers and how better their services are to the consumers. Essentially, this facilitates attraction of new customers who widens the market as well as raise the profits earned. The loyal customers are also maintained because the platforms consistently inform them of the changes made in improving the quality of service provision. In the process, the sustainability of the firm is managed following the broad coverage.


Overall, is apparent that Guadalupe is a business that can sustain itself. It is located with the proximity of a college hence students and staffs are the primary consumers of the food offered. The firm has been operating as monopolistic due to lack of competitors. However, other businesses providing first foods are being established. The factors attributing to its sustainability includes the provision of healthy and quality foods that facilitate maintenance of an excellent reputation. Secondly, properly managing the on and offseason. Lastly, adoption of the use of social media platforms to attract and maintain consumers.

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