Steam Influence Essay

The fetism of the state, like the fetism of steam, promoted progressiveness by improving citizenship rights and capitalism. Also, fetishism of the state and fetishism of steam shared parallels in the development of freedom, amassing capital, and investing in mechanical ingenuity (Malm, 2016).

The Mechanization of Machinery

The mechanization of machinery, or rather, machines making devices, was driven by the need to solve a systemic crisis. It was at a time when capital accumulation was at its height, resulting in an imbalance of power loom and machinery inefficiency, as well as a desire to grow the British economy (Malm, 2016). The automata of the late-eighteenth-century filled a niche that aimed at solving systemic problems such as lack of capital, labor increase, and improve productivity. It focused on mechanization of machines to improve on operation unlike automata of the 19th century that aimed at satisfying a mechanical fetish such as turning inanimate objects (commodities) to live to meet the elite few(Malm, 2016).

Definition of Fetish

Malm defines fetish as 'a thing supposedly endowed with its own autonomous force' (Malm, 2016).

Machine Fetishism

Alf Honborg defines machine fetishism as the need to fulfill a wealthy desire and to drastically serve a deviated purpose such as the production of commodities unlike the manufacture of goods such as iron (Malm, 2016).

Artificial Intelligence and Robots

Artificial Intelligence and robots are feticides today as mediums through which human resourcefulness can be replaced to make work easier and improve productivity. In other words, artificial intelligence and robots are produced to endeavor in events and situations that a typical human being can engage in such as for being weapons of terror.

The Mirage of Perfect Automation

Perfect automation can be considered a mirage because, man cannot correctly automate machines since, from time old no machines have perfectly created a commodity without imperfections. More so, complete automation requires a morally stand-view on production whereas, periods such as the later 18th century through to the 19th century were reliant on machine fetishism that saw the creation of natural objects brought to life.

Importance of Building Monuments to James Watt

It was important to build monuments of James Watt because he was the 'father' of steam power and a gentleman benefactor of the steam-powered industries in early Britain. Particularly, he was the creator of the rotative engine that was used by most manufacturers from wool to pottery to steel. As such, it was built to create a motivational blessing to any worker who moved across the town viewing the monuments (Malm, 2016).

The Significance of Steam and Other Inventions

The shrewdness in mythical references to the 'magic' of the steam can is an ironic rationality. In essence, steam was a creativity and invention that awed the world and sort acceptance in diverse platforms. As such, steam went hand in hand with other inventions such as electricity which was compared to the church and the cross. They are intertwined and cannot be separated because their design was correlational.

Peter Gaskell's Contemplative Attitude

Peter Gaskell had a contemplative attitude towards the individualized possession of an occupation. The reason for this is because his contemptuous feelings towards exclusive ownership bring on the difficulty in management and distribution of resources from the wealthy to the poor. Ethically, such concepts differ from ownership of land for instance, by encouraging self-mindedness by the owners without regard to the workers or those inferior to them, unlike land ownership where selflessness is invited to benefit a broad spectrum of people. Hence it differs politically since it only motivates or cushions one perspective of ideals such egocentrism instead of utilitarianism (Malm, 2016).

Parallelism between Water and Labor

Malm emphasizes that water and labor are parallel to each other in a sense where there is a direct relationship. When one suffers the other suffers too, for instance, he reiterates that when the workers are on relentless strike and migratory spirit the water runs faster in the faraway hills (Malm, 2016).

Understanding the Use of the Term 'Slave'

The use of the terminology 'slave' brings up an unfortunate historical moment that is characterized by inequality and oppression. It may result in a waving paradoxical understanding of what the writer is trying to bring across based on energy use. Thus, it may corrupt the entire idea of the book.

Definition of Ormolu and Cicerone

Ormolu is a gold-colored alloy of copper, zinc and to some extent, tin. It is also considered as the exploit of a gliding practice of smearing finely pulverized high-karat gold-mercury to an object with bronze. For cicerone is regarded as a person employed to provide sufficient information about antiquities as well as places of interest to tourists. Synonyms include a historian or archaeologist.

Steam Engine as 'Alchemical'

To refer steam engine as 'alchemical' is to refer to it as a medieval scientific discovery. In the real sense, the steam engine cannot be considered as a medieval process or concept or thing because the period of development dates back to the late 18th century to the early 19th century in the Victorian era.

Credit-Money and Steam Fetishism

Carl Wennerlind's concept on credit-money illuminates Malm's fetishism of steam by providing a little understanding of the economic, or rather the financial situation in Britain during the Victorian era. Malm's fetishism of steam was only meant for the elite few who had the possession of wealth. However, this was not the case as most may have lacked the necessary capital to facilitate production, hence, a shortage of money and the need to overcome the problem through credit trade.

Malm's Perception of the Steam Fetishism Project

Malm's perception of the steam fetishism project is a non-debacle endeavor that aimed to accomplish the elite's aspiration of mechanical prowess and wealth amassing ventures. Whereas, with Sir Thomas More's Utopia was a project based on a satirical story on the political and social fiction depicted on an island, unlike Malm's story which builds on a larger geographical region.


Malm, A. (2016). Fossil capital: The rise of steam power and the roots of global warming. Verso Books.

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