Social networking sites (SNSs)

Web-based Social Networking Services

Web-based social networking services called social networking sites (SNSs) allow users to create public profiles in a closed system, accept other users with whom they have things in common, and browse and traverse a list of other users with whom they have connections. Lujja & Ozata (2017) claim that the sites have a big impact on interactions, communications, and connections for professional, organizational, and personal objectives, offering marketers greater justification to embrace them as a way to connect with customers on a personal level. Therefore, the increasing use of social networking sites for personal and business matters provides a reliable avenue for organizations to foster customer engagement and increase their satisfaction with products and services.


Varnali & Toker (2015) examined people’s self-disclosure behaviors on social networking sites to contribute information concerning this subject. In this case, the researchers focused on their willingness to provide personal information on SNSs, SNS affinity, the honesty of the disclosures, subjective norms, self-esteem, public self-consciousness, and self-monitoring abilities. Data used in the study came from online surveys of 1,294 participants. Two researchers conducted the study: Kaan Varnali and Aysegul Toker. Varnali is an instructor at the Istanbul Bilgi University while Aysegul teaches at Bogazici University. Their backgrounds give them the needed competencies to research various issues involving SNSs.

Outcomes of the Study

The outcomes of the study deserve recognition in the academic world for several reasons. First, the researchers choose a large number of participants for the study. The population size in research is a significant determinant of the credibility and accuracy of a study’s findings. An adequately large population size limits the effects of extreme observations or outliers giving greater credence to the conclusions. Second, the authors selected a detailed approach to choose the particular areas that the research would focus. Two individuals assessed all the ways people reveal their personal information on SNSs before attending a workshop where they discussed the differences in their conclusions. Their investigation formed the basis for the 12 items chosen for analysis. The technique provided a detailed approach to picking relevant areas for examination.


Information concerning consumers may prove valuable to businesses. For instance, comprehension of the values and beliefs of persons can benefit organizations by providing direction on the best way to package information. High competition in modern markets makes it vital for enterprises to determine the most efficient way to reach consumers and appeal to them. Understanding of customers' motivations is one way that firms can achieve the two aims. Knowledge of the motives makes it possible to establish cohesion between product and service attributes and consumer attitudes. Businesses can employ these similarities in their marketing strategies to attract customers into buying the goods and services. Since SNSs provide a means to understand the consumer attitudes and beliefs, they can support organizational efforts to grow sales.

Acquisition of Knowledge and Resources

Furthermore, enterprises can promote the acquisition of knowledge and supplies that help in the creation of new products and services. Seaman, McQuid & Pearson (2017) assert that SNSs provide ways for people to create robust and weak linkages. Poor connections occur when people have infrequent communications, and strong links happen among individuals with constant ties with friends and relatives. Both forms of connections may be valuable to enterprises. Strong relationships offer bridging abilities between people and businesses allowing firms to gain knowledge that helps to develop new products and services. On their part, weak links can overcome resource shortages by establishing multiple networks. For example, occasional communication with consumers and the public may assist in getting qualified personnel to fulfill the needs of a business. In this regard, SNSs provide a way to acquire valuable information and resources in a market.

Advantages for Public Relations

Beyond the value of SNSs in obtaining resources and information lies its advantages for public relations. Public relations theory explains ideas about communication, responsibility, and relationship management (Jerman & Zavrsnik, 2015). For public relations practitioners to exert influence on people, they must create strong relationships with various stakeholders. Social networking sites can help to develop that connection. By generating value in their products, organizations can target the relevant tastes and preferences of their customers. As business environments undergo rapid changes based on the needs and tastes of consumers, social networking sites offer companies a tool for comprehending these alterations through communication. Similarly, they provide a channel for public relations where organizations can communicate those values of a product that suit consumer needs and choices. Thus, organizations can increase customer engagement that enables businesses to meet their expectations and boost satisfaction.

Biblical Integration

The Bible offers excellent advice to managers on the need for communication. Mathew 12: 37 asserts that people are justified by their words and condemned by their words. As a primary means of communication in the modern world, social networking sites provide a way for businesses to explain themselves and receive the support of consumers or fail to converse and get customer disapproval. The implications are especially important when companies are dealing with a crisis that threatens their reputation. When faced with a problem that endangers their business, companies should make use of social networking sites to explain their position. Justifying their position can translate to a change in the views of customers. Furthermore, organizations should be careful with the way they package information on the sites to avoid drawing the criticism of consumers.


Jerman, D. & Zavrsnik, B. (2015). Exploring the role of business social networking for organizations. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 8 (1): 28-45.

Lujja, A. & Ozata, Z. F. (2017). The consequences of consumer engagement in social networking sites. Business and Economic Research Journal, 8 (2): 1309-2448.

Varnali, K. & Toker, A. (2015). Self-disclosure on social networking sites. Social Behavior and Personality, 43 (1): 1-14.

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