Sin and the Society

The Impact of Sin on the World

The subject of how sin impacts the world is one of the most discussed topics in the Christian setting, with efforts to describe what sin is and what acts qualify as sinful. The concept of sin has evolved over time to accommodate changes in culture as well as changes in human beliefs. Contrary to popular belief, most writers and their publishers have been interested in some manner of attempting to explain the topic of sin, its meaning, and its effect on civilization. One of the authors that this paper intends to investigate is Saint Augustine of Hippo and his book The Confessions of Saint Augustine, to identify his perspective on the issue of sin. In his book, Augustine talks about his sins and the perceptions she had during his life on the matter, as well as other issues such as his beliefs, pride and seeking the truth. The book offers a perspective of sin during the time of Saint Augustine, and through his interpretation, the topic of sin is understood from another angle. Despite the broad scope of interpretation of sin, the underlying fact is that it is a moral wrong and does not deserve a place in the society.

What is Sin?

The question of defining what it means to sin has different interpretations that have been formulated throughout the years. A sin is an immoral act that goes against the values of human beings. However, defining sin with the perspective of immorality is irrational since some actions in the society are considered immoral but are based on the right and right comparison. There is no universally agreed definition of sin, and as a result, sin has been misinterpreted in most instances. Augustine identifies sin as all the bad things that are unacceptable, but at the liberty of being done (IV, 2, 2). For that reason, sin borders between choice and action. The decision to do something with the consideration of the morality of the chosen activity and the consideration if the action performed meets the moral threshold. Therefore, sin can be defined as an action that violates the moral values set despite the decision to choose otherwise.

The Morality of Sin

According to Augustine, the issue of sin is not only about the acts of sin but also an inquest into why people sin. Augustine has spent his early years torn between his faith and the beliefs of the world. However, he devotes his life to the lord as he confesses his sins and says, “Let me confess my disgraceful deeds to you” (II, 7, 15). The acknowledgment of sin and being sinful is a difficulty among most people in the society. Sin in the society is associated with immorality and often comes with being condemned or labeled by the people in the society. Thus, many in the society are fearful of being perceived as sinners for fear of being labeled and rebuked by the society. Admittance of sin is often unwelcome in the society and discourages people from coming forward to account for their sinful acts. Augustine believes that admitting to sin should be an open process that does not condemn those that come forward to confess sins. Augustine says that admitting to sin should not be a "weary" process and that "mercy" should be shown to those who admit sinning (I, 15, 24).Most in the society perceive that to confess sin requires a person to visit the churches and under the guidance of the religious leaders. Sin is perceived to be an unholy act that can be cleansed by the religious leaders, due to the association of these leaders to being holy and those not burdened with sin. The narrative on confession and its connection with religious leaders is false since in the book The Confessions of Saint Augustine, the author himself admits to being a sinner despite his position as a priest of the church (X, 36, 59). Saint Augustine understands that to confess sin requires an individual effort as he did confess his sins to the lord. "Accept the sacrifice of my confession, offered by the power of my tongue," he says, attributing to his self-effort to make amends for his sinful actions to the lord (V, 1, 1). Confessing to sin is a personal effort for people to make on their resolution despite the beliefs set in the society. Confessing of sin has no set procedure to follow, and it should be the decision of the person who takes up the responsibility to confess. Augustine agrees that it is a personal decision to confess saying, "you first willed that I should confess to you, my Lord and my God" (XI, 1, 1).Augustine believes that that the human heart is weak and exposed to sin and sinful acts, which make him, search for the truth behind the matter of sin. Sin in the society is equally attributed to the weaknesses of the human nature that is alleged to lead people often to commit sinful acts. Augustine, however, reflects that despite being human nature to be prone to sinning, leading a moral life at all times require a person to carefully take consideration of each of their motives (X, 36, 58). Indeed, it is true that what causes sin in the society is the carelessness by most human beings not to carefully take consideration of their actions. Careless decisions on moral issues are the cause of sin in the community, and it is of note that every human has the choice to make these decisions. Augustine claims that taking these matters to the Lord will present the necessary guidance saying that, "for you made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you (I, 1, 1). The need to justify the actions of sin is not a healthy practice as there is the decision to make correct choices, and following the proper moral code.Understanding why humans are propelled to sin is also a question that Augustine struggles within his efforts to seek redemption. Understanding why human beings are led to sin is problematic for any person since every human has their way of thinking and have the options to make their desired choices. There is a moral guideline between what is right and wrong. Augustine is involved in a theft at a young age by "stealing from my parents' cellar and table because I was gluttonous" (I, 1, 19). Augustine gives the reason for his actions after reflecting on the cause of his seen indicating his greed to be the cause of his sin. Similarly, in the society, actions of sin are influenced by the desire to satisfy selfish gains and in the processes sin and hurt others persons. Issues of corruption and embezzlements fall under this analogy as most perpetrators of these actions commit these actions due to the influence of the sin of greed and selfishness. Augustine claims that sin corrupts the soul over time since everyone is born pure without sin but slowly begin to be attracted into sinning (III, 10, 18).Sin has its consequences when performed since t carries adverse effects and causes the downfall of the victims involved in the sin. Society has no tolerance for sin and those who sin, due to these consequences of sin that are resultant for the sins. Augustine portrays the consequences of sin as punishment from the lord for detesting sinful actions. However, he is clear that sin is a consequence of man’s decisions and not God’s influence despite his all-knowing knowledge and creation of the human being (IX, 2, 7). Being free of sin provides satisfaction, and since there is a burden attached, that comes with committing sinful acts according to Augustine (X, 3, 4). This insight is true since living by the accepted morals in the society not only provides happiness for the person involved in sin, but also affords them acceptance in the community by every member. Being free of sin requires appropriate decision-making, and the actions that are applicable in the society are regularly welcome since they provide the society with stable relationships.


Acceptance of sin serves to provide the sinner with a path towards redemption. However, the society has made it difficult for people to outright claim to be sinners since they suffer from negativity and rejection by the members of the society. Equally, those involved in the harsh treatment of those considered sinners, are sinning since every human deserves to be treated with respect and dignity that they deserve. Societal beliefs that sinners should not be part of the community are unacceptable since it creates a contradiction of equal treatment for every person. Religion has equally sinned by shunning away sinners and accepting those considered holy. Most of the religious leaders do not associate themselves with a crime despite their actions to shun away those that are with sin in the worship places. It should be agreed that it is human nature to sin; however, everyone has the choice to commit sin or make better decisions. Greed and selfishness are among the most common associations with sin since they influence the decisions that are regularly undertaken in the lives of human beings. Nonetheless, it is imperative to make the right decision since it determines whether the actions that follow are considered sin or not.While it is unacceptable to sin in the society, it is imperative to identify that every human being at one point has been involved with sin. The issue of sin encompasses a broad scope than merely its understood meaning of immoral actions. Sin means the voluntary committing of unethical actions given a choice to choose otherwise. Understanding that sin is a broad subject is vital in the efforts to ensure that it can be handled in the society. Every human being is a sinner because we are exposed to a lousy environment that requires the choices we make to border on moral values. Sometimes the best decisions violate the moral values that we hold and contradict some of the values we hold dear. The society has created this environment, and it is inaccurate to claim that some of these compromises are not sinning, but they are actions that need to be realized for the greater good. However, it is vital to uphold morals as they provide the best ways to co-exist with one another in the society influenced with contradictory beliefs. Making right decisions on matters that are based on wrong and right is the best way to avoid sin. Sin can be prevented through proper decision-making and uphold desirable moral values.

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