Self-Esteem Scale

Self-esteem is the sense of personal worth of an individual. In other words, it is how one appreciates oneself or the decision someone makes as an attitude towards him/herself. Such perceptions are personal traits which tend to be stable and endure for a longer time.

Response Format and True-False Question.

 A dichotomous response scale is one of the most suitable formats for true-false question format. The format has two choices that are opposed to each other. The respondents have no chance of giving a neutral response, thus, the problem associated with a central tendency (De Ayala " Santiago, 2017).

Item Construction Process

       Generations of items for the true-false assessment instrument requires some key steps. For instance, the creation of a content statement which are converted half to false. Then, the grouping of questions depends on the content (Clark " Watson, 2006). When creating the true/false statements, it is essential to vary such statements to avoid possibilities of respondents overly marking "true" options.

Items and the Self-esteem Scale

Item 1: Sometimes I feel worthless about myself, but sometimes I think that I am worthwhile.

Item 2: There is a time when I don't feel appreciated enough by my friends making me feel unhappy with myself while sometimes I am happy.

Item 3: There are times I feel loved, at other times I feel unloved by different people who surround me.

Item 4: There are situations when I consider myself competent and other circumstances when I feel less capable of handling some things.

Item 5: On some occasions, I feel horrible about myself while in some I feel good.


Clark, A. L., " Watson, D. (2006). Constructing validity: Basic issues in objective scale development. Psychological assessment, 7(3), 309.

De Ayala, J. R., " Santiago, Y. S. (2017). An introduction to mixture item response theory models. Journal of school psychology, 60, 25-40.

Kline, T. (2005). Psychological testing: A practical approach to design and evaluation. New York: Sage.

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