Self-Esteem Inventory

My scores on Helmes Rahe stress inventory ranges between 150 to 300. This indicates that there are 50% chances of a major healthcare breakdown in the next two years. Most of my EQ assessment I usually agree with the results in the exception of the results on my life events that have happened to me in the previous years. One of the crucial thing in my assessment talks about learning to coup up with stress through learning to transform stress through collaboration, awareness, and education. I was surprised by my assessment outcomes since in my lifetime of carrying out my day to day activities I have realized that my stress has reduced, which have made my life healthy.  My parents, clergy and my teacher usually motivate me to face any situation without being stressful.

            My self-assessment of stress is wrong but I sometimes tend to become motivated to coup up with any sort of stress though it has a weakness which may diminish my motivation. For example, when I was working in one of the companies I had to work 12 hours, it was so stressing since I had to wake up very early in the morning, but I had to do it since I had to save money for my business.

1Kleining, Gerhard, and Harriett Moore. "Social Self-Assessments (SSA), 291-333.

Dominant community style

My scores on dominant community style range between 7 to 10 performance scores, which indicate that I fully uphold the community leadership styles. I do agree with my assessment since I usually guide the people in the community to live in accordance with cultural norms. I was surprised by the assessment since I had to lead the community with my young age. During one of the presidential campaign, I was motivated by one of the politicians who said that anybody can become leader irrespective of age and its can starts from the community.

Time management inventory

My scores on how I manage timescale on EQ ranges between 50% to 70% which indicate that I have a slightly high strength in time management.  I always do agree with most of my results on the EQ assessment in time management since I always motivate myself to manage time in all things am doing so that I accomplish my all undertakings. Time management results actually surprised me because I used to be a timekeeper when I was at school which made me achieve high performance. My parents were always motivating me to wake up very early which motivated me to become timekeeper.  I day I was a student as well as working so I had to fixed time to do all that I was required though it was hard.

Accessing your computer skills and attitudes

My scores on accessing my computer skills and attitudes ranges in between 60% to 80% which indicate I have an average knowledge of computer skills. I do agree with most of my results on the EQ assessment except on the results of assessing my computer skills. One thing in my assessment talks about learning more and more of the computer.  I was motivated to learn computer by our college tutor who usually told us about the upcoming technology usually needs to learn computer skills. When I first start learning computer skills it was very difficult since I had to undertake many classes to have knowledge of computer skills.

Locus of control inventory

            My scores based on locus inventory ranges between 0 to 7 which indicate that I possess external locus control with high scores. I do agree with my EQ assessment since always I usually get motivated to work without being rewarded. I was totally surprised with my locus of control assessment results since all of my life at work I usually work towards the company goals. My clergy motivates me to do good things without expecting rewards.  When I was working at the company I had to extend some time in order to complete my task fully.  It was hard but I had to do so as to attain company goals.

2Brown, Jonathon "Self-esteem and self-evaluation: Feeling is believing." 2014.

3Lefcourt, Herbert  Locus of control: Current trends in theory " research, 2014.

Multiple intelligence.

My scores on multiple intelligence on the EQ ranges from 3-5 tasks which indicate that I can perform more than one task in work.  I do agree with my results on EQ assessment except when it comes to the matter of multiple intelligence. One of the things which I talk about in my assessment I had to learn more than one task.  I was surprised with my results since I had a vision of performing multiple tasks. I attended the seminar and one of my professors motivated us to aim multiple tasks.  I remember doing many courses till I found the one which fits my career.

Self-esteem inventory

My scores on self-esteem on the EQ ranges from 15 to 25 which indicate normal self-esteem. I do agree with my results since I can differentiate between wrong and right.  I was too surprised with the results since I have been fighting to gain self-esteem but now I have achieved. At school, I was motivated by my teacher to have self-esteem in order to live happily.  I remember at school I had to give off from my friends who were abusing drugs in order to maintain my self-esteem.

4Brown, Jonathon "Self-esteem and self-evaluation: Feeling is believing." 2014.

Critical thinking, self-evaluation

My scores on critical thinking on EQ ranges between grade A and grade B. this indicates that I can make a good judgment. I do agree with my results since I usually don’t jugged things without doing a thorough investigation.  I was surprised by results since when I was at school I had to think before taking any action. I was thought by my parent to be making a real judgment.  When I was at school I had to no to judge my friend when my book was stolen.

Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI)

My Glasgow coma MTBI scores range from 6-10 which indicate that I have less being affected by MTBI. I do agree with my results since I have experienced much of brain injuries. I was not surprised with my results since I knew my healthy life. My physicians guide me on how to treat and prevent brain injuries. I remember one day when I was sick and I was having a severe headache but when I undergo treatment I was found being free from MTBI.

Emotional intelligence

My scores on EI range between 8 to 10 which indicate high EI.  I do agree with the results since I can handle things in a positive way. I was surprised by the scores since I usually experience some insults. I was thought by my clergy to uphold good EM. One day my friend indulges me to fight but I demised it and teach him that fighting is not a solution to some problems.


Kleining, Gerhard, and Harriett Moore. "Social Self-Assesment (SSA) An Instrument for Measuring social Strata." KOLNER ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIOLOGIE UND SOZIALPSYCHOLOGIE (2017): 291-333.

Brown, Jonathon D. "Self-esteem and self-evaluation: Feeling is believing." In Psychological Perspectives on the Self, Volume 4, pp. 39-70. Psychology Press, 2014.

Lefcourt, Herbert M. Locus of control: Current trends in theory " research. Psychology Press, 2014.

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