Self-Esteem: Definition and Importance

Self-esteem can be defined by focusing on what constitutes the “self”. Such is followed by an examination of the general concept of the “self” as it relates to an individual character, behavior, and capabilities among other dimensions. Further, there would be an investigation of the qualities, which surround the “self” (Smith " Mackie, 2007). These include the beliefs, emotions, and attitudes that a person holds. Moreover, there will be consideration of how a person makes choices on different life-based activities, as well as examination of the key outcomes of these activities.

Difficulties in defining self-esteem

            Self-esteem is complex to define because it is destructive and self-defeating. As such, the aspect of understanding the value or worth of an individual does more harm than good. Thus, the action is unethical and irrational where human beings value and rate themselves in total selves based on their character, behavior, and interaction with others (Wickman " Campbell, 2003). Furthermore, individuals tend to embrace different attitudes and portray varying behavioral actions, which depicts that self-esteem cannot be estimated efficiently.

Definition of self-esteem

            Self-esteem depicts the general feelings of self-value or self-worth. As such, it depicts the negative or positive evaluations of the “self”. The value or rate that is given on the self-esteem influences the actions and choices that an individual makes in society. Hence, positive rating and values contribute towards ensuring that the individual has the chance and capacity to do things, which are great in life.

Definition of negative self-esteem  

            Negative self-esteem depicts the ability of a person to develop individual negative feelings and lack of confidence. Thus, such a person develops the feelings of incompetent, awkwardness, and unlovable in society.


Smith, E. R, " Mackie, D. M. (2007). Social Psychology (Third ed.). Hove: Psychology


Wickman, S.A, " Campbell, C. (2003). "An analysis of how Carl Rogers enacted client

centered conversation with Gloria". Journal of Counseling " Development. 81 (2): 178–184.

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