Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Microfinance Institutions

It is both legal and ethical obligation for a company to perform in the best interest of the society. Main categories of CSR activities include philanthropic, ethical, legal and economic activities. This classification is due to the assumption that average profit maximization can be achieved due to company's responsibility towards the society. CSR is established on the relationship between business world and society, and on the behaviour of the company's towards its main interest groups.

Organizations that have mostly used the corporate social responsibility have become more successful as they have encouraged most employees into a commitment to performance towards the company. Besides, the only way to become successful is by use of social responsibility initiatives, which provides room for different workers to make their differences in the job.

The microfinance finance institutions are faced with portfolio risks due to the nature of lending practices and support services, especially in developing countries. By now, not much is known about how the MFIs can reduce the risk of offering loans to poor borrowers in the third world countries. Nevertheless, the microfinance institutions have consistently carried out CSRs to create social and economic wealth but the impact is still minimal.


The aim of the study is to interrogate the role of CSRs within MFIs and how it can be included and aligned with the firm’s primary strategy/ goals.


Various proposals written by different researchers have become the mainstream theories on normative Corporate Social responsibility despite the variety and complexity of approaches related to CSR. The theory social costs, agency theory, stakeholder theory and relational theory are among the arguments on normative CSR.


In this section, various methods used to conduct this research were analysed and discussed. The research design and the target population were identified, then a sample was selected using various sampling techniques. This section also describes the techniques of data analysis, which helped in analysing the data, and the models used.

Research design

A descriptive design was used as it leads to various discoveries among different variables. To seek for underlying principles, an explanatory case study is preferred. The design is considered appropriate in carrying out in-depth findings where much emphasis is placed on the analysis of effects of CSR on the MFIs.

Target population and sample design

The population targeted for this study was the active Microfinance institutions involved in the day to day lending exercise, which has invested in the use of CSR for at least two years. The sampling design that is to facilitate the research is a no probabilistic sampling design since data to be used is from those corporations that used the CSR in the year 2016 and 2017.

Data collection method

Primary and secondary data were used for analysis in this study. Moreover, data analysed was from the annual reports from the company’s shareholders. Statement of financial position and comprehensive income and annual reports to stakeholders was used. The study period was one year.

Data analysis

The data collected were analysed by the Statistical Package for social sciences (SPSS) to the relationship between the firm investment on CSR and profitability. Moreover, the strength of the relationships was to be analysed using covariance correlation coefficient.


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