Roads Less Traveled

In life, there are many roads that are less traveled. Most of these roads are avoided due to various reasons that surround the challenges that characterize them. Resultantly, the majority of people do not want to depart from their comfort zones and thus the reason why they fear venturing into these roads. However, these roads provide a platform for exploring new realities that have been unexplored for a long time and thus the reason why one should muster courage and venture into them. For instance, the road to spirituality is one that many people tend to avoid. Many would rather be religious rather than being spiritual. Essentially, spirituality opens one up to the spiritual world and to a different reality that many fear to venture into. This is a road I would love to travel in the future seeing that it will awaken me to spiritual realities that are unseen to the natural eye.

There has always been a road in life that one misses, which they would want to go back in time and travel. As for me, one such road is in regard to a relationship that I could have forged with someone, yet I let it go. That was one road that I look back upon and would want to go back and travel. Principally, this road would have seen me go with the lady person to her home country where we could have started a family together. Nonetheless, I thought about leaving my homeland and did not like the idea thus I had to let it pass. However, looking back, I regret letting that opportunity go as it would have opened a doorway for me to explore a new world together with my lady friend.

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