Relevance of Daycare to the Community

Daycare is a requirement for most parents as many families need the income of both parents to be financially stable. However, some guardians prefer raising their children as they work. Unfortunately, the single and low-income parents often cannot bring up their young ones by themselves and work at the same time. The inability to do it is often stressful for many parents. However, daycare is a feasible option as it offers economic, social, and academic benefits for the guardians, children and community. Research shows that infants and babies between 6months to 5 years benefit from the childcare surroundings due to the social lessons, structure and quality instructions.The purpose of the proposal is to determine the relevance of daycare to the community and to determine the start up capital for the business.


Working parents require an affordable, safe and, reliable child care facility. Many of the low-income parents depend on close family and friends to take care of their young ones while they are away for work. Even though this might be a preference for some guardians, some possibly will not get such assistance (Singer, 2017). Additionally, Children outcomes are affected by the different environments they are exposed to including both the child care settings and family.Furthermore; the accounted standard qualities of the US child care facilities do not meet the set standards by early childhood experts. Thus, resulting in concerns on how the condition of such setting affects young one’s development, together with the interest of supporting children’s school promptness skills (Singer, 2017).


The children are subjected to scheduled activities, for example, storytelling and songs .The actions are necessary for the young one's intellectual development and growth. Therefore the community will have scholars and intelligent individuals who will govern them .Additionally, they have a prearranged sleeping, eating and playing time thereby; parents are less worried that their babies will develop erratic behaviours (Singer, 2017). A study by the United States National Institutes of Health discovered that children with higher academic achievement and cognitive levels as adults had attended the daycare while they were young. The facilities provide wide-ranging interaction with the cognitive enhancing activities, support and care providers.Children can spend time with their agemates, and as they do that, they learn from each other. Additionally, they learn how to solve problems amidst themselves. While they grow up, they will be productive people in the community as they can find solutions to challenges. Additionally, children taken to daycare have a smoother transition to kindergarten than those who have grown up at home (Singer, 2017). Therefore, the community will experience reduced drop up of children as they are exposed to a scheduled timetable and activities.

Starting Capital

The centre needs a start-up capital of about $50000 to be the start-up capital. For the institution to start operating it requires a building, supplies and equipment, human resources and an insurance policy. A mortgage will be borrowed Instead of buying a house, and it will cost 40000 dollars a year. Additionally, ten human resources will be hired. Cumulatively the expense for salary per year will be 1620 dollars. The daycare will also purchase toys, books, television, cribs and stationary from Tomeko kent price at 2000 dollars. Foodstuffs and equipment will be bought from crystal kent enterprise at $5000. $1000 per month dollar will be set aside to cater for the insurance cover. Additionally, will be reserved to pay utility bills and miscellaneous.


Providing the childcare service will be beneficial to the parents, children and the society. Infants and babies who have been raised in daycare have social skills and the ability to solve problems as they interact with peers regularly. Thus, they can relate with people in the community well.


Singer, E. (2017). Child-care and the psychology of development. Chicago: Routledge.

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