Race, Gender and Practice as Forms of Inequality

The race is a form of cultural identity that differentiates groups of people on physical characteristics and their behavioral attributes. Racial inequality refers to social disparities and advantages that affect people of different races; distribution of political power, wealth and life opportunities. This paper is a reflection on the concepts of race, gender and practice as forms of inequality based on course readings by Jeffrey Fish; chapter 7, 192-200, 208-209.

Practices of Race as a Form of Inequality

Highly stratified societies try to justify the issue of racial inequality by terming it is a natural phenomenon rather than one that is culturally induced. Countries such as Canada, perceive race as the natural heritable characteristics found in the genetical makeup of a group of people, an unchanging way to define peoples identify (Fish 192). Such justifications are seen to benefit some specific few who depend on the imbalance to dominate and enrich themselves.

Perceiving race as a natural phenomenon has birthed racism, a term that refers to the systemic institutionalization of physical differences to relate to persons’ behavior and intellectual capacity. Racism has affected the marginalized groups like people of color and Asians in places like the US. Poverty, social backwardness, high unemployment levels, political segregation and criminal activities have been the portion of the people in the lower racial hierarchy. White supremacy is an ideology that sees the white race as superior, more intellect and at the top of the hierarchy (Fish 194).

A racist ideology has been built on some scientific findings, bible quotes and systemically by the state. A scientist like George Morton, whose findings further deepened the idea of white supremacy (Fish 195) by considering them as the most Intelligent, played a big role in the justification of racist practices. Structural racism is seen in the way the state institutionalizes the racial differences. Structural racism is seen in the case of good schools, hospitals, and political affairs being for the ones at the top of the hierarchy.

Practices of gender as a form of Social Inequality

Gender is a term that refers to ideas on how a certain sex should behave, dress, their roles in society and their general characteristics. Women, in particular, have been marginalized and labeled as ones to stay at home, give birth and take care of their husbands. When gender disparity is coupled with racial inequality, its effects are detrimental; exclusion, violence or even cultural erosion. A good example is the way Pakistani women immigrants in Canada are forced to dress, smell, act and talk as Canadians so as to get a fair treatment (Fish 209). Cultural diversity becomes a non-issue when it comes to survival.

In modern times racism is increasingly being perceived as cultural differences rather than solely genetic (Fish 208). Although that is not enough, governments’ efforts towards racial equality are evident. From the creation of policies such as affirmative action, programs towards economic equality to laws against racial discrimination, it’s clear that steps towards the right direction are being taken.


Even though cultures are very hard to eliminate, a change in the way we think about racial diversity is essential. Social stratification or people’s rank in society should be based on their efforts and innate ability as opposed to it being based on skin, hair or eye color. I believe that racial diversity is what makes people from different parts of the world unique, and so, it should not be used as a justification for racial dominance.

Work Cited

Fish, Jeffrey. Race as A Form of Social Stratification. pp. 192-209.

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