Race and Intelligence Quotient

The Non-Scientific Tale of Race

For a long period of time, human beings have been classified in terms of their race. This has been the norm since the discovery of the existence of different human races. Some human beings have had negative perceptions and dogmas which make them subordinate others in terms of their race. This folk concept of race has been ingrained as being scientific and biologically based in degrees that it is difficult to convince the society otherwise. In retrospect, this paper points out several reasons which render the tale of race non-scientific.

Correlation Between Race and Intelligence

The correlation between race and intelligence is an assumption aimed at limiting the goals, power, and social positions of some groups (Park 199). Jensen found out that the difference in intelligence between African American and white American was due to genetic difference and not cultural environment (Park 199). However, some scientific research has ushered praises at these propagated ideas and perceptions. The society views the ideas that sound scientific as true or valid (Park199). This is because they see science as a complex discipline which can be understood by few. Therefore, any idea that sounds scientific is assumed to be valid. For instance, the European settlers in Australia saw the Tasmania as less human (pg 197). They only rated these native inhabitants against themselves without recognizing that they were different.

Race as an Expression of Human Variations

Race is an expression of human variations by societies as they refer to others which they have come into contact with. It is not a biological concept as many view it. Every culture has a folk concept to the human variations they are aware of (park 192). Therefore, race falls among the human variations which societies cannot fathom. In addition, race, from a cultural perspective, refers to people with different historical, linguistic, ethnic, religious or other backgrounds. For instance, Europeans settlers found the Tasmanians in Australia leaving in a less complex cultural society, speaking different language and they were less technological, besides, they were not Christians, Jews or Muslims (Park 193).

Race and Skin Color

Race has a close attribute to skin color which is mostly dictated by natural selection. The existence of different variable races with different skin color has been thought ubiquitous. Human beings when naturally selected they adapt to different cultures which have different complexions, levels of technology, values and social systems (Park 192). All human beings change less biologically than they adapt to culture.

The Myth of Biological Connection

The thinking that race has a biological connection is a pure myth since there are no genes for a specific race. This is due to the fact that the origin of human species traces back to Homo sapiens species as analyzed by Linnaeus in 1758 (Park 193). However, the different categories used to explain certain races were so generalized biologically and were much based on cultural traits. Human beings, therefore, regardless of their race, have the same origin, though their characteristics might be shaped by the environment.


In conclusion, race is purely a cultural concept that has no influence on the intelligence quotient of an individual. Biologically, there is no connection between race and certain genes since all human beings are believed to share a common ancestor. However, the existence of races remains a fact, we talk about them every day and we refer to ourselves as belonging to certain races.

Works Cited

Park, A.M: Introduction to Anthropology: An Integrated Approach: Sixth edition. 2013. ISBN 9780077499983

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