Ownership of Property

Ownership of Property in the Bible

Every creation is deemed to be ultimately owned by God the creator. However, God entrusted man to be the custodian of His property. In the commandments, the right to own property is reflected in the eighth commandment when people are warned against stealing. The tenth commandment also warned people against coveting another person's property (Exodus 20:17 New International Version). The Bible also gives assurance of God blessing the work of our hands (Deuteronomy 28:12 New International Version). It is therefore in God's will for people to own property. The idea of protecting our property is reflected when the Bible gives the penal codes on what the owner should do in instances where his rights to property ownership are inflicted. Such penalties include restitution and double payments (Exodus 22 New International Version). People are also advised to carry weapons for the protection of their properties (Luke 22: 35-38 New International Version). However, the defense of owned property should be in proportion to the protection of life. Life is more important than material possessions. The ownership of weapons should abide by the rules of the governing authorities (1 Timothy 2:1-2 New International Version).

Government Control Over Internet Traffic

The government should have the authority to monitor its citizens' internet traffic. The use of the internet has been abused over time with the increase of cybercrimes. Data crime and data interception have been the major threats in the current era (Saini, Rao "Panda, 2012). As one of the ways to mitigate cybercrimes, government intervention has been recommended. A state federation should monitor online data flow, contents of the data and determine what to be blocked and what to be aired (Sinrod "Reilly, 2000). There should be punishments for the perpetrators too. The monitoring would not only help in mitigating cybercrimes but also identification of such criminals (Taylor, Fritsch "Liederbach, 2014). Therefore, the government should set agencies that will monitor internet traffic and take action where internet crimes are evident.


Saini, H., Rao, Y. S., " Panda, T. C. (2012). Cyber-crimes and their impacts: A review. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2(2), 202-9.

Sinrod, E. J., " Reilly, W. P. (2000). Cyber-crimes: A practical approach to the application of federal computer crime laws. Santa Clara Computer " High Tech. LJ, 16, 177.

Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., " Liederbach, J. (2014). Digital crime and digital terrorism. Prentice Hall Press.

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