National Service in America

National Service and its Impacts

National service is a form of discipline body that requires training equal to that of military body. The national service performs duties like cleaning the cities, ensuring discipline, crowd control during demonstrations among other duties (Baker, Brian. et al.). In the national service, those who are involved are offered technical courses like carpentry, masonry, plumbing and other manual courses. In countries like Australia, Estonia and others have a mandatory national service where youths are engaged in the service. The question of whether America should have the same can be answered by weighing both the positive and negative impacts of this action. If the positive impacts outweigh the negative, then establishment of mandatory national service should be recommended (Rangel, Charlton).

Skills Acquired through National Service

National service provides youths with useful skills. The national service does not only involve discipline training but also provides other productive courses. For instance in Kenya, the national service offers subsidized courses to the youths. Apart from this course, national service militia also learns how to work in teams (Rangel, Charlton). Teamwork is an essential skill required by most companies and institutions. Making the national service mandatory implies that youths will be a step ahead compared to not deploying the service. A nation with a compulsory national service is a nation with citizens who can easily manage stress. The citizens have the skills to work even in the toughest situations. Stress management situation does not only help counter depression but they are also a milestone during harsh instances such as floods or in cases of fire. The citizens are well equipped to contain such situations. Other skills acquired include initiative skills, responsibility, diversity, healthy living and self-defense skills (Paul, Ronald, et al).

Promoting Equality through National Service

National service promotes equality among citizens. All citizens despite their social status or their education level equally participate in the national service. In case the national service is not made mandatory, the military issue will be the ones responsible for the protection of the whole country (Baker, Brian. et al.). This implies that some citizens are sacrificed on at the expense of others who enjoy the comfort security provided. Other duties like traffic control and general cleaning are also imposed on only a few people yet they are issues that affect every citizen. The sense of responsibility is instilled in all citizens. Issues like insecurity, contamination of rivers and other nationwide matters are not only delegated to a few people; that is, some people destroy what others are struggling to build, and instead, it becomes the duty of everyone, therefore promoting equality (Greenberg, Davidson, et al).

Promoting National Unity

Mandatory national service promotes national unity. Mass participation in the training provides a shared experience which is a uniting factor in the nation at large. Making the military service mandatory subjects all citizens to the same challenges which require unity to overcome. It also motivates the citizens to work for the same goal, protection, and developing the country, which calls for togetherness. The citizens are in a position to appreciate the sacrifice made by the military servants as they all understand them (Rangel, Charlton). This will also bring them together to fight crime and improve the nation, which is a common goal for all.

Boosting Governmental Participation

The governmental participation of the citizens is boosted by mandatory participation in national service. There are times when the government needs to make harsh decisions which prompt national security. The citizens feel the need for engagement in such decisions since they understand the sacrifice made by lives at risk (Baker, Brian. et al.). Irrelevant decisions are barred by the public if the benefit evolved is directly forwarded to only a few individuals. The approach to which the government gives to the problems is backed up by the greater voice of the citizens. National services should be made mandatory to ensure maximum public participation (Rangel, Charlton).

Reducing Loss of Military Officers

Also, the rate at which America is losing military officers can greatly be reduced by making the national service mandatory. Military officers killed in wars greatly weaken the military force of the nation. For instance, it is approximated that almost 25% of soldiers die in every war in Vietnam (Greenberg, Davidson, et al). This implies that if America is involved in four battles in Vietnam, the military force will be the weakest force in the world. This is a wakeup call to look at the strength of the defense force of the United States of America before it is too late. The national service should be made mandatory (Ochoa, Kyle).

Negative Impacts of Mandatory National Service

On the other hand, making the national service comes with its demerits. Not everyone is fit for the military service. Making it mandatory will be disadvantageous for those who are not in a position for the service. The disability might be psychological, physical, or any other form of disability (Baker, Brian. et al.)

Mandatory military participation compromises on the quality of the military service. Making the service compulsory is not taken kindly by some citizens. It is like forced labor to some. Unlike voluntary soldiers who are ready for thorough training and involving themselves in risky missions, the involuntary ones do it just for the sake of fulfilling the mandatory call for participation.

Compulsory national service interferes with some education participation. Introducing the compulsory national service means the revision of the education curriculum. This will create a lot of inconveniences and lead to a lot of time wastage.


In conclusion, the long-term positive impacts of this move outweigh the negative ones. The negative impacts are just short-term impacts. Therefore, the United States should introduce mandatory participation in national service.

Works cited

Baker, Brian. Et al. Military 1: Reasons behind why the United States doesn’t support             mandatory military service. Vol 2. (2014)

Rangel, Charlton. The United States Today. Retrieved from U.S.A (2013).

Greenberg, Davidson, et al. The Christian and science monitor: Calls for military draft promote           illusion of equality. Vol 2(4). (2004).

Ochoa, Kyle. The quora: Reasons why we don’t possess military service in the United States. pp,       59. (2017).

Paul, Ronald, et al. The global issue blog: Retrieved from five cons          of mandatory-national-service. (2017).

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