Moral Thinking

In the modern era, life has posed so many challenges that need to be analyzed critically. Philosophy as a field of study provides an understanding view of these problems that are encountered in life. Throughout the course, we have learnt to decide how to pass judgments and give a perception to the life problems that we meet on our daily interactions. Besides, the course has provided the challenges we need to pay attention to in order to define our own understanding. In this paper I shall reflect on oppression, moral thinking, and the use of naughty words, moral luck, and fate.


Oppression has been used quit often by the people who feel that they are oppressed by others around them or by people who feel that the people around them are oppressed by others. Oppression appears in very many forms and diversities. It has a wider dimension and understanding especially based on the context in view. In this course, oppression as a term has been used in the context of women who feel that the society oppresses them. In most cases, the female folk have proclaimed oppression by the men folk. Some forms of oppression that the women have experienced include, sexual oppression where some women have undergone sexual harassments and torture either imposed on them by their husbands, boyfriends or people who feel sexually attracted to them. Again, the women have felt oppressed in the sense that the men folk cannot allow them what they claim to be equality based on gender. They strongly feel that life should be handled with a lot of equality so that women just like men are accorded their rightful position in the society without discrimination of any form.

According to Marilyn, oppression is unkind word designed by feministic theories to defend the view of women that they are the only oppressed human beings (Minas 2). However, she views the term as a wide term that basically refers to human limitations and sufferings imposed on them by the environment. Actually, it does not matter from which source or degree of the suffering, the school of thought targets to understand the consequence of such frustrating feelings on an individual. It is therefore true to open up on the topic of oppression so as to consider all human beings regardless of gender, race, age or ethnicity. We are all capable of being oppressed and oppressive at the same time. It is indeed true that women and children are the most affected groups of people who suffer oppression, but it is also wrong to completely forget that even men and the elderly too feel oppressed.

In this course, the topic of oppression became very significant because in most cases the term has been used with isolation to address the feministic views about the society. We should change our focus and address the term based on its meaning and the impact it has on any individual who might suffer from the act. Just like Marilyn puts it, the society should be careful and perceive women differently. The contemptuous, degrading attitude with which men view them is archaic and very much passed with time. Women are precious gifts who are the mothers of the world and the caretakers of men. Making them feel oppressed is not the best way.

Naughty Words

Man has become so crazy in their deceptive nature that it does not matter to them what kinds of word they use in their ordinary daily interaction. It should be noted that certain words are considered taboo words and therefore their use is in most cases considered either as mischievous or blasphemous especially in the religious context. Besides, these words are viewed as rude and arrogant words. The course has given a difference between swearing taboo words and rude words which should not be used in public or at any time of socialism. A specific word in question is the use of the word, ‘”fuck”. The meaning of this word is in most cases interpreted as rude and arrogant in a discourse. For instance, if I poured tea accidentally on my cloth then I said, “Fuck it!” The word is used ordinarily to express anger, disappointment and sore feelings. However, the interpretation is viewed as rude and arrogant. Above all, in the religious view, the word is perceived as blasphemous because it gives a derogatory meaning. The theological principles indicate that such words are immoral and should not be used publicly.

Slurs are also considered naughty words which deride people and give them a humiliating feeling. In most cases, the words are insulting thus are viewed as hate speech. For example, if a person is called stupid, the words undermine the person’s intelligent quotient which in turn undermines their dignity. All words which are viewed as derogative and undermining to human dignity are thus taboo words which should not be used. These words frustrate the personality of the people whom they are used against.

Immoral Thinkers

Philosophy evaluates a group of people based on how they make their arguments and the truth on the information they present and beliefs. Conspiracy theory comes into question when we look at this group of people who only think and believe negatively about any situation they come across. According to the conspiracy theory, a person will believe what they believe based on their interpretation on the relevant information at their disposal (Elman 20). When a person for instance believes that the corruption in the government offices is because the white house itself is corrupt; it is because that is what they want to believe. On the contrary, philosophers argue that the belief of individual people is based on their personality and way of perception. People perceive things differently and that is caused by their personality. It is therefore wrong to give judgments upon individual thinking before one is given time to explain the reason for arguments and thinking.

Furthermore, some people are naturally born immoral thinkers. They never make rational arguments because their environment and mental reasoning is filled with immorality. Actually, this group of people never sees anything positive hence they will always attribute every situation to bad cause.

Moral Luck

Moral luck is difficult to understand because sometimes it can be attributed to fate. Take a situation for example where a cyclist accidentally faults and falls on the street then he breaks his knee without hurting anyone. Another cyclist comes on the same street but hits and breaks the knee of a pedestrian. In the two situations, the law will have to be applied. In most cases, the second cyclist will be punished by law for hitting and hurting the pedestrian. Although it was not his intention to hurt the pedestrian, it will be assumed that he broke the law by hurting the pedestrian. The first cyclist, however, will not be punishable for breaking his own knee.

Moral luck as a philosophical principle will apply in this scenario. Philosophers, considers it moral luck based on the fact that law has to be followed and obeyed regardless of what transpired. Again, it provides that the two situations should be handled with the same degree of blame. Just like the first cyclist who hurts his own leg, the second cyclist who hurts the pedestrian must be blamed equally. They it should be viewed as their recklessness that the accidents took place. Although the law will not punish the first cyclist, both of them deserve the same level of punishment.

Moral luck views happenings in people’s lives that go unpunished as purely moral luck. We sometimes escape punishments for our sins not because we deserve the pardon but because it is of pure luck that we do so. Moral luck is, therefore, a contentious issue that needs to be addressed. We should understand that our morality should not be defined by luck but we should face our mistakes and be ready to correct them. Living by moral luck only helps to sustain our immorality instead of our morality. It is therefore proper that we concentrate on what is right regardless of the consequences we may face for them.


This paper has analyzed serious significant issues from the course work as was studied. Oppression is mostly viewed in the context of feminism an idea that should not be bought because oppression is vaster than as limited by the feminism theory. Again, moral luck as is dictated by the fundamental principles which allows people to avoid punishments for their sins is not right. The individuals should be judgments based on moralities and the punishments should be rendered based on that alone. The paper has also discussed the scenario of immoral thinkers. The immoral thinkers only tend to view situations based on their immoral thinking. They are always negative in their judgments but again, they should be allowed to explain their rational. The paper therefore ascertains that every situation should be handled differently with pure reasoning without formed views.

Works Cited

Elman, Jeffrey L. "The emergence of language: A conspiracy theory." The emergence of language. Psychology Press, 2013. 19-46.

Minas, Anne. Gender basics: Feminist perspectives on women and men. Wadsworth, 2000: 1-16

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